4. treasure

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"he was just prepared for this."

I heard muffled talking from the cell block and I looked up to see three people walk out of the area, they left the door open. "She's sleeping now," the oldest one spoke, I looked him up and down. His white bread was tied back and he was on crutches because he was missing a leg, how did he survive so long? "I'm Hershel," he gave me a smile, "now, your little girl said we should introduce ourselves so you'll relax," he walked over to me. 

He sat down beside me, this freed his hand so that I could shake it. I shook his hand, "I'm Lennox," I told him. I pulled my hand away and looked down at my backpack. Maybe I should offer him some of my supplies since he was the one who took care of her. Before I could offer, the leader started speaking, 

"I'm Rick," he looked, over towards the cell door, more people had gathered there, "that's Maggie, Glenn, Carol, Merle, and my son, Carl," he nodded his head towards each of the people. "Michonne and Daryl are outside on watch," he looked at Hershel before taking a step closer to me, "so if your people are out there-" 


"No, we can't just let people in here, Hershel. Not with Judith and Carl," Rick shot back at him. He took another step towards me, "so if your people are out there and try to break in, they will die." 

My eyes went to his hand, it was holding the top of his gun on his open holster. Like father like son. I took a moment before I answered him, even if I told him I didn't have people, he wouldn't believe me. But if I lied and said I had people out there he'd just kick us out. They were helping Talia and now isn't the time to be a dick. "That's fine, because my people- my person, is already in here," I looked up at him, "she's all I have." 

As no one responded, I remembered what my dad had told me once on a run, always offer something physical to people who you encounter because if not they'll either kill you or want something else from you. I had a bit of hope for these people because they hadn't robbed us and left me out for the dead. However I knew it was better safe than sorry. 

"Look, you treat Talia, I'll let you have some of our supplies, we'll call it even and once she's okay, we won't come back or tell anyone you're here," I went to reach for my bag but everyone's eyes made me stop. 

I followed their eyes to Carl, he had his gun raised at me again. "Carl," Rick said, putting out a hand, "put the gun away," he instructed. His son hesitated for a moment but he did listen. 

"You really think we would send two children back out there? To die?" Hershel spoke before Rick could address my offer. He put his hand on my shoulder, "you're about Carl's age and your girl is barely taller than a rifle," he let out a laugh, "you're safer here." 

"Now, Hershel, we haven't decided-"

"I'm deciding now," Hershel inserted himself stopping Rick again, "somethings you just aren't capable of deciding. Now, I respect you Rick. You know that. But these girls, they need protecting. Sending them away would be feeding them to the walkers," he stood back up and hobbled over to Rick. "Do this for me, Rick," his words made my heart sink. 

Talia must have made a mark on him. She had a way of doing that. 

Rick looked baffled and did not respond straight away. He looked over to Maggie and Glenn, trying to find an answer through their silence. "Fine, but they aren't staying in C," Rick offered. 

Carol scoffed, "And what, put them in D? There is still those dead prisoners in there, come on Rick." 

"And that little girl isn't leaving my cell until she can walk by herself again," Hershel added. 

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