65. game of survival

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"Damn! I hope you have a doc back home because shit! My girl just took a hella chunk outta one of your girls!" Negan beamed, his tongue poking out from behind his teeth as he sent a large grin toward Lennox

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"Damn! I hope you have a doc back home because shit! My girl just took a hella chunk outta one of your girls!" Negan beamed, his tongue poking out from behind his teeth as he sent a large grin toward Lennox.

Between the ringing in her ears, Negan's laughter, and Enid's screams, Lennox's brain had a hard time trying to focus on what was happening. Her concern should be her friend who was now on the ground, her flannel slowly soaking up the blood from the brutal hit she just took to the shoulder; yet her eyes followed the wicked man whose back was bent as he let out a howl of laughter, amusement on his face as he watched Enid squirm.

The air was full of cries between the death of Abraham and the violent beating Enid took, everyone was shaken up. Confused. Scared. Terrified.

"You bunch of pussies, I'm just getting started," Negan lifted his bat, threatening to send another blow to Enid but he didn't. Instead, he held the weapon a few inches away from her wound, "Lucille is thirsty!" He exclaimed, tapping the wire against Enid's tender skin. "She is a vampire bat!"

Lennox heard a few protests, Maggie begging him to stop, Glenn sobbing and babbling to himself, and Michonne wincing, but none of them caught her attention like Talia's cries. "Please, let me- let me help her!" they were strong words but her tone was weak, her sobs overtaking her body.

"Be my guest, Cinderella," Negan hummed, shaking his bloody bat off as he approached Rick. 

"Lennie, give me your flannel," Talia instructed as she untied Enid's hands. At the release of her hands, Enid let out a sigh of relief but there were small whimpers and tears still leaving her. "Lennie!" Talia hissed, shaking her hand for the article of clothing.

She didn't feel like she was in her own body as she shimmed out of her flannel (one of Carl's) and handed it to her younger sister. Despite the panic the younger was in earlier, she seemed calm and collected as she worked on stripping Enid of her overshirt.

"They're just children!" Lennox heard Rick choke but she didn't look over. If she looked over there she'd see Carl and she'd see how he was reacting to her words and actions- that was something she didn't want to face yet. She'd deal with that back in Alexandria, well, if they made it back there, that is. She didn't know if Negan had any intentions of letting any of them go.

Lennox watched her younger sister flinch at the sight of Enid's large wound, her skin was mangled, chunks of flesh missing, and blood dripping everywhere. She was impressed with her sister, truly, because at nine, Lennox didn't think she'd be able to come face to face with such a wound. Yet here Talia was, ripping into the clean side of Enid's flannel and dabbing away at the open flesh.

"Jesus," Negan's voice was faint. "Simon... what'd he have? A knife?"

It was all background noise but she heard everything as her eyes stayed on Talia and Enid.

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