Chapter Eighteen

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"Crito is a novel by Pluto about the impiety of Socrates.  It depicts a conversation between Socrates and his friend Crito of Alopece regarding justice, injustice and the appropriate response to injustice after Socrates' imprisonment, which is chronicled in the Apology. Your homework was to read it so we can have an open discussion today," Professor Romiti said, placing her hands behind her back. "I'm interested, tell me what you thought about it,"

Out of the 150 students in my class, no one spoke so I raised my hand, grabbing her attention. "Yes, Raquel. You don't have to raise your hand,"

"I didn't understand why Socrates wanted to stay in imprisonment. Crito was willing to break him out so why wouldn't he choose that? It just doesn't make sense to me, that's all," I said, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"It specifically states Socrates didn't want to leave because he felt Greece was his home," My ears perked up at a voice behind me, and I slowly turned my head, connecting eyes with someone I had never seen before. Even though I didn't want to admit it, he was very attractive and had features that I found myself nearly drooling over. Black curly hair, piercing blue eyes, and an impressive facial structure.

"Okay, but it still doesn't make sense. If he knows he didn't commit impiety and he thinks he's innocent, why he is willing to pay for a crime he didn't commit? Why not get out of jail, and live somewhere else? I mean, he's already been sentenced to the death sentence, they're just waiting for the poison. Now, is his time to escape,"

"Are you slow?" He asked, making some of the students chuckle. "If he escaped, it would make him look even more guilty and he doesn't believe death is something people should be afraid of. He knows he's going to a better place than the people who believed he was guilty. Are you having a hard time following?"

"But what about his children? He's just going to leave them behind?"

"What do you think would happen if he ran away, darling?" He said, pulling his lips into a lazy smirk.

I frowned, looking at Kiana who only shrugged. "That's the new kid. His name is Landon and people are saying he's got quite the ego to him,"

"Yeah, I wonder why," I mumbled, running my hands through my black hair. Another student began talking but I was only focused on the encounter that just happened. At the end of the three-hour lecture, all 150 of us began to grab our things and head out.

"That was fun," I heard from Landon, the new kid.

"No, it wasn't fun," I rolled my eyes, pulling my tote bag over my shoulder. He frowned, walking next to me on my left while Kie was on my right. "Oh come on. Don't be upset, little one. We were having a debate,"

"No, You were just being rude," I said, raising my eyebrow. "Look, I don't know who you are but I don't appreciate all the passive-aggressiveness. You can have a debate with someone without calling them slow. You basically embarrassed me and now you want to act like we're friends? I'm not interested in being your friend so honestly just piss off,"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐎Where stories live. Discover now