Chapter Forty One

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Lorenzo placed soft kisses on the crook of my neck as I leaned onto his chest

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Lorenzo placed soft kisses on the crook of my neck as I leaned onto his chest. He had made us a bath and with everything that happened, I found it incredibly relaxing. My body was red, covered in bruises, and —before I was cleaned— cum stains.

"How was it? Are you alright?"

I nodded. "I'm a bit sore but honestly that whole thing was amazing. I loved every second of it,"

It was funny how fast I went from being a virgin to getting fucked by two men at the same time. My old self would have never imagined something like this for me. But I was reclaiming my life and I was doing whatever the fuck I wanted to. I remembered when my family believed I had a threesome and now it was true. I guess the difference was I didn't care about anyone's opinion.

"Even though another man was inside me tonight—," I grabbed his hand, placing gentle kisses on his tattooed knuckles. "I still belong to you,"

"I trust you, Raquel. That's why I'm so comfortable doing this. I've never done this before but I've always wanted to,"

"It turns you on?" I asked, running my finger along his jawline. He groaned, nodding his head. "I was so fucking hard while I watched him cum down your throat. Baby, you have no idea. Joining in was fucking incredible too but watching... fuck,"

"You know most guys would lose their minds over something like that. Are you not possessive over me?" I teased, turning around and straddling his lap in the bath. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing his neck. He ran his hands up and down my back, causing a shiver to travel through my bones.

"Fuck yeah I am. But we both know you're mine and you're doing this because I'm allowing it. You're my pretty little whore," He said, resting his hands on my ass and squeezing hard.

"What else did you like?"

"When you called me daddy," Lorenzo smirked and I playfully rolled my eyes. "It honestly just slipped out. I didn't mean to say it,"

"Where did you even learn that?"

I shrugged, looking down at my nails. "I was reading an erotic novel the other day and the girl said it,"

He chuckled before running his tongue across his bottom lip. "When Axel and I fuck you again, don't hesitate to call me that. You have no idea how much it makes my cock throb,"

"And when will that be?" I asked, with a tantalizing voice. "When will you get Axel over here so the two of you can use me again?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐎Where stories live. Discover now