Bonus #2

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The next morning, I woke up at around 9 to an empty bed. I realized Lorenzo probably had a few business meetings for his boxing management. I stood up and took a moment when I realized how much-dried cum was on my legs and body. Memories from last night flooded my mind and I could feel my cheeks blush. They both took turns fucking me, treating me as if I was a cum dump.

Then, around 4 am, Axel went back to his room, leaving Lorenzo and me to cuddle. I had the best night of my life yesterday and I knew this week would only get better.

After using the bathroom, I placed my hands on my stomach and smiled to myself. I had my second doctor's appointment in a couple of days and just knowing that I was having a baby was incredible. Lorenzo and I really have something special.

I changed into a long t-shirt and walked back to the kitchen. I stripped the bed of the bedsheets and carried them to the laundry room. After setting them to wash, I grabbed clean ones and changed them. When I was finished, I headed to the kitchen. Some of the maids were cleaning the counter and greeted me when they saw me. I returned their greetings and grabbed a banana from the bowl. I leaned over the counter and began unpeeling it.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps from behind me and I turned my head. Axel came into the kitchen, wearing nothing but a towel and my eyes ran down his tattooed torso. I wasn't surprised to see he was shirtless since he was just about to have a shower

"Morning, Axel. You sleep well?" I asked, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. He looked towards me and nodded, smirking to himself. "Just perfect. That bed is insane,"

"There's a reason why it's called a California king," I offered him a smile as he walked towards me. Since I was bent over, he placed his hands on my hips and pressed into me from behind. My eyes widened and luckily, the maids had finished cleaning the kitchen and turned their attention to the living room. God, he was bold.

"Yeah, there's a lot of room for plowing you," He whispered. My lips parted and he planted his print in between my ass cheeks.

"I'm about to take a shower, princess. Join me?" He grinding me on his crotch and I suddenly started to feel hot. Axel chuckled and his breath fanned the back of my neck. "Come on, don't act like you don't want me,"

"Why did you come into the kitchen?"

"Heard you were awake," He said, placing kisses on my neck while groping my breasts. "Raquel, you have loud footsteps. You sound like a damn elephant. Did anyone tell you that? You have to get that under control,"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐎Where stories live. Discover now