Chapter Thirty Six

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4 years ago
Lorenzo - 17, Raquel - 16

I placed the cigarette between my lips, cupping my hand around the bottom while lifting my lighter. Soon, I pulled my head back and blew smoke into the air. Rap music echoed from the beach house, and I knew if I left my bedroom, I would see people dancing, eating each other's faces, and doing cocaine or molly in the corners of the party. My parents granted me the beach house at LBI for senior year so I could have extra space. And the first thing I did was invite the entire fucking academy over.

Suddenly, my eyes caught something moving down near the beach, a girl I had never seen before. I didn't invite her and I didn't know anyone that brought her. Frowning to myself, I wonder what the fuck she's doing on my private beach.

"Who the fuck is that?" I asked one of my friends, Axel who was too busy smoking weed to the point his eyes were blood red. He shrugged, unable to get words out. Shaking my head, I moved past my friends and followed the girl.

Her long black hair cascaded down her back as she took off her shoes and slowly walked into the ocean. Her eyes widened as she watched the water drench her feet, and I continued watching her, curiously. She seemed innocent looking, almost as if she was trying to analyze the ocean like a fucking freak. I wondered if she knew about the crabs under the sand and the jellyfish that couldn't be seen especially since it was dark outside.

"You know you can't be out here unless you're invited, right?" I asked, taking another puff of my cigarette. A gasp left her lips as she turned to face me, and my eyes gently widened.

For some reason, I didn't expect her to look the way she did. She was beautiful, and in a way, it fucked with my breathing. Her dark eyes peaked at me through her thigh eyelashes. The structure of her cheekbones was unlike anything I had seen, and in a way, I found myself impressed. When she nervously sank her teeth into her plump bottom lip, I nearly collapsed. She was unlike anyone I had ever seen before, she was fucking alluring.

"Jesus," I whispered to myself, clearing my throat, awkwardly. Running my hands through my blond strands, I throw the cigarette down to the sand and step my foot on it.

"I-I'm sorry. I just happened to find an opening to the beach a few blocks away and I walked down," She explained, playing with her fingers nervously. "I'm Reyna Villanueva. I just moved here from The Philippines with my mother. Sorry, am I rambling? I'm rambling—,"

"Lorenzo Maxwell,"

She nodded, looking back down at the ocean. She seemed transfixed as she let her fingers run through the small waves. Looking around, I wonder what the hell is going through her mind. It was nearly midnight and here she was, acting like a damn fish.

"Are you alright in the head?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing together.

"Sorry... It's just that back in the Philippines, I used to swim in the ocean all the time and I would search for crabs in the sand. Look, if you come here, we can search for them together you can see what I'm talking about," She explained, making me cringe internally.

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