Chapter 11

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The story is end. Everyone was silent and didn't say much. Hyun just give his vegetables to Yibo, Xiao Zhan and Taehyung in silence.

"Do you have time?" Matsumoto asked coming to hyun. "There is." Said hyun stood up and followed Matsumoto. "We need your blood to be sampled." Obviously Matsumoto. "No problem" said Hyun. The two of them went to the laboratory together.

After taking Hyun's blood as a sample. Matsumoto takes Hyun around. "I don't have much time. Hurry up." Hyun said calmly. "I know. We'll try quickly." Obviously Matsumoto. Hyun smiled before leaving.

Today they will go to the border to hunt zombies. On their way they were confronted by a group of people. Hyun, Joongki, Haikuan, Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo got off. "Kill them." Order someone in the car. Hyun took his gun and killed 4 people in an instant.

"Jae In, get out!" Hyun said angrily. Jae In got out of the car with a smirk. Several guards followed her. "It's really you." Hyun said angrily. "Two fools together is not good." Jae In said mockingly. "Make people your puppets!" Yibo said attacking. "Yibo!" Call Hyun but Yibo doesn't listen. Yibo was slammed by Jae In. Jae In's foot stepped on Yibo's stomach.

"You?!" Furious Haikuan. "Calm yourself." Xiao Zhan said. In an instant Jae In was knocked back by Hyun's kick. Hyun helped Yibo to his feet and turned back to Xiao Zhan but a bullet came out of the gun causing Hyun to push Yibo towards Haikuan. Hyun received the bullet and lodged in his stomach.

"Ge!" Yibo shouted in panic. At the same time both Xiao Zhan and Yibo were also shocked to see their hands slowly turning transparent. Slowly their bodies are also transparent. "Goodbye." Hyun muttered before Xiao Zhan and Yibo completely disappeared. Joongki and Haikuan were shocked.

"We have enemies here. 3vs3 in or out." Hyun said. "In." Haikuan and Joongki said. The two of them fight with the bodyguards while Hyun fights with Jae In. Life and death battle. Until finally hyun lost and was awarded a knife stab in his heart. Before Hyun fell the last sentence that was said was You're a traitor with a hurt look by Hyun. Joongki shot Jae In right in the head. Both of them panicked to see hyun fell to the ground in a pool of blood.


Soohyun woke up and looked around the empty surroundings. "Welcome to the world of mission,  Lee Soohyun." said a voice. "Who are you?" Soohyun said confused. "I'm the one who brought you here. Your mission is perfectly completed. You're still 40% less than 100% of your mission. If you complete your mission perfectly then you can return to your original body or choose to stay in the mission world forever." Obviously that voice.

"What's your name?" Soohyun asked. "You can call me Blue." Said a voice named Blue. "Blue, you know in my real life. I'm dead." Obviously Soohyun. "I know. Coming back means you're dead. That's what I meant." Obviously Blue. "If I succeed, I can stay in the world you created until the end?" Soohyun asked. "Of course." Blue said casually. "Yibo, Taehyung and Xiao Zhan how are they?" Soohyun asked.

"You know, the world you first came to is only you can enter. Because I felt you must be missing them so I made additional characters in of course. Those aren't the real ones." Blue said casually. "Where are the real ones?" Soohyun asked. "Of course they are fine in real life. Xiao Zhan becomes a doctor, wang yibo becomes a racer and taehyung becomes a great hacker. The bad guys who hurt your little friend. Everyone is arrested." Obviously Blue.

"Thank you." Soohyun said. "No need to thank me. It was your own business." Blue said. "I will tell you a little information about your second world. In this world you are a geek who is always insulted by everyone and your grades are always bad. But you like a beautiful woman but she is very mean to you. You live alone and work alone. Your parents think you're useless." Obviously Blue.

"What's my name?" Soohyun asked casually. "Huang Xie Li. But you have rumors following you that..." Blue paused. "What rumours?" Soohyun asked calmly. "Rumors that you were going to rape a beautiful woman you met and you were hit by a car. So your mission is to clear your name from those rumors." Obviously Blue.

"I just need to be close to men and stay away from women won't it be over." Soohyun said casually. "I'm dying right now, aren't I? Incident at that time, what happened?" Soohyun asked. "You saved a little boy named Xiao Hua so you became the victim of a crash." Obviously Blue. "All right. Let me carry out my mission." Obviously Soohyun. "Are you sure? If you don't like the second world environment after your mission is over. Then you can move to the third world and live there without a mission." Obviously Blue.

"I'll let you know when the time comes. You'll be online 24 hours with me right?" Soohyun asked. "I'm always with you only you don't talk to me." Blue said annoyed. "It's your own fault for hiding." Soohyun said before being transferred away.

Soohyun or Huang Xie Li opened their eyes and looked at someone sleeping while holding his hand. Xie Li stared at him silently. Someone enters just then. "Are you awake?" Ask the person. Xie Li looked at the newcomer.

"What's up?" The intruder said. "Zeng Shunxi, and Huang Junjie." Xie Li muttered hoarsely. "Are you awake?" Junjie said before running out. The person holding Xie Li's hand woke up which turned out to be Yuliang. "You awake? Good." Yuliang said happily. Xie Li looked at Yuliang's hand holding his hand. Yuliang immediately let go.

"Why are you here?" Xie Li asked. The doctor came with the nurse and threw the others out. After the examination the doctor warns the others to let the patient rest and not be too tired.

"So who wants to talk?" Xie Li asked. "Remember the girl you saved?" Junjie asked. Xie Li nodded. "She's yuliang's sister. The yuliang family's servant took his sister for a walk and lost his sister. After that you know what happened." Obviously Junjie. Xie Li nodded.

"Thanks, I'm fine. I have to go to work." Xie Li said about to get up. Yuliang restrained Xie Li. "Sit down and rest!" Julian's orders. "What if I don't hear?" Challenge Xie Li. "I've done your job so you don't have to go to work." Said An Rong who came. Xie Li sighed.

"You guys can stay out of my life. True, I saved his sister but it was out of reflex not because I wanted to." Xie Li said coldly. "You're lying. You think I'm stupid?" Junjie's words silenced Xie Li. "I've been investigating you so stop lying." Junjie added. "I want to sleep. Go home." Said Xie Li. The four of them looked at each other before leaving.

That same night Xie Li left the hospital quietly. He was sure yuliang would pay for his hospital bills. That same night Xie Li called his boss saying he had quit his job.

[B: does it need to be that extreme?
X: You said I just need doing my job. I will be free,  right?
B: Of course.
X: Then we should avoid them.
B: But you will meet them at school.
X: I'll pretend I don't know them. Don't worry, after the mission is successful then I can go right?
B: Of course.
X: Good. ]

Xie Li decided to clear up the rumors and move out of town quickly. So he can live freely.

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