Chapter 20: Do I look broken to you?

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Chapter 20: Do I look broken to you?

*Harry's POV*

She let me go. I know I had broken up with her and everything, but she was just letting me walk away. I was expecting her to beg for forgiveness. It's not like I would have actually forgave her, but it would have made me feel like she still liked me in some way. But instead I'm sitting in my car at a red light, sobbing. I have to constantly wipe the tears out of my eyes considering I'm driving.

I don't know how, but I make it back to my flat alive. I zombie-walk to the door, and open it. I am met with four curious eyes. Don't these boys ever leave?

"What's wrong?" Louis asks me carefully. I must look like a wreck. I realize everyone is waiting for a response. I just shake my head.

I am soon being engulfed in a group hug, and buried in sympathetic glances. I rip my way our of their comforting gestures and run to my room. I bury myself in my covers and try to sleep. I may have been able to if I could stop sobbing. I loved Maddy. I trusted her. Now I'm sitting here, like an idiot, feeling completely betrayed. I hear the sound of my door being opened and closed. I can feel someone sit on the bed next to me, and predict its Boo Bear.

"It's Maddy, isn't it?" He asks. I was right. It's Louis.

I groan and cry even harder. I'm glad he can't see me. Louis pats my back slowly.

"Um..the others left. Thought you should get some privacy for a bit."

I don't respond.

"What happened, mate?"

I tear the covers off of my face and glare at nothing. "Her mum works for the paps!" I spit at Louis. He just nods.

"I talked to her, and she said her mum was making her do something. I'm sure Maddy didn't mean any harm."

"Then why did she go along with it? Why did she make it seem like she loved me...t-then she just...broke my h-heart?!" I choke. I cry onto Louis's shoulder until his shirt is soaked. Then I lay back down, and clench my teeth as hard as I can. Why am I so stupid?

"You know, she really did like you." Louis whispers to me.

"No she didn't." I bury myself again in the comforter.

"When I talked to her, she told me. She said no matter what happens, I should remember that she likes you. She didn't want to hurt you. Maybe at first. But when she got to know you, she fell for you. She can't help her mum's job. And she seemed to hate it as much as you do now. Just remember, she always liked you." At that, Boo Bear got off the bed. I heard the door close, and I fell into a restless sleep.

When I woke, my clock said 3 o'clock.

I saw that the sky was light. So it was three in the afternoon? Yesterday was when everything had happened. Man, how long did I sleep? I got out of bed, and went to the kitchen.

"Hey, Harry. How are you?" Louis asked. He was standing by he front door, putting his shoes on.

"Knackerred. Though it looks like I slept the day away."

"Crying does that to ya. I'm heading out with Eleanor. See you tomorrow, lad." Louis waved, and left the flat. He was lucky. He had a wonderful girlfriend while I was stuck here, alone. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't really tired. Just bored. I went through the fridge and found a six pack of alcohol. Jackpot.

I took out three and let the bitter liquid run down my throat. Soon my vision blurred a bit, but I wasn't drunk enough to forget her. Maddy. Everything reminded me of her. It was torture. I made my way to my room. I blindly found my phone, and scrolled through the contacts. I didn't even know who I was calling. A certain name jumped out at me, but I had immediate doubts about calling them. I made a list of pros and cons in my head.

While I was making my list, I spotted something on top of my dresser. It was a pink shirt. It wasn't mine. In my half-drunken state I recognized it. It was Maddy's. She must have left her shirt here one time. Maybe when she stayed over after our film night. I stared at the pink fabric until it was all I could see. Mountains and seas of pink.

Then I turned back to my phone and pressed call. I waited until she picked up.


"Hey, babe. Wanna come over?" I slurred, and waited for a response.

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