Part 1: Chase

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 "Dammit, Chase! I've fucking HAD it!"

"Hon, just hold on a sec!"

"No! You said you'd get a REAL job and you haven't even tried to LOOK! It's been two YEARS, Chase! I'm the breadwinner around here and all you do is laze around and do your stupid tricks and your bullshit with what? 20 subscribers?"

"More like 2,000, but just wait a second-"

"We need more MONEY, Chase! . . . . . I'm done"

He couldn't believe what he was hearing, "What? What's that supposed to mean?"

Stacey scoffed, grabbing her keys off the counter, "I already have our son in the car. I'm going to my sister's. Until you learn to grow up . . . . There's just not gonna be an 'us', anymore, Ace"

"But . . . but just hold on a minute and-we can work this out!-just give me another chance!"

Stacey just scoffed lightly. She looked almost as if she'd give in. It wouldn't be the first time.

But she obviously remembered that, too, "No . . . no, I can't, Chase. I have to think about what's best for our boy . . . and for me. I'm sorry"

"But-" Chase was lost. At first he thought she was just being selfish and ridiculous and then he had that fleeting thinking in his head that maybe this was for the best anyway. She was right. He'd never amount to much of anything anyway and yet he spent all their money on props and better equipment for those few views that wouldn't give him much money even if he earned any at all with monetization. 

In Chase's hesitation, Stacey sighed, knowing she was doing the right thing, "I'll still see you around, Ace. You can see him every weekend. We'll go through the details some other time."

With that, she just walked out the door.

And Chase let her.

Several months later, Chase was trying to do better. 

He found a job at the local pizza place as a delivery driver. Hell, he practically lived in his car with how much he was trying to work.

He was actually excited to see Stacy again this weekend. She had allowed him to video chat and talk with them on the phone and let him see him on the weekend but it wasn't enough for him.

He NEEDED his son in his life. His family was everything to him.

'That's why I'm doing this. I have to make her see I've changed' if Chase was anything in his life, he was stubborn.

She'd HAVE to take him back.

Pulling up in his driveway, Chase sighed heavily. Another day come and gone and it was finally the weekend!

He had a few paychecks saved up and he was ready to beg for Stacey to come back home.

He didn't care how much he had to grovel. He'd do anything for her and their son.

Turning the key to get in the house, he didn't notice how dark it seemed.

Chase flicked the lights on and trudged on in, flinging his jacket on a random chair. He threw his cap on the counter as he slid in the kitchen, "One beer won't hurt and then I'll give them a call"

He broke the fridge open and grabbed a cold one, cracking it open, relaxing at the sound of the light fizz.

Just as he took a sip, however, the lights flickered on and off for a few moments.

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