Part 3.1: The Origin of Jackieboy Man

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Heroes were hard to come by anywhere you went.

Of course there were Police Officers, Firefighters and Surgeons but they were just doing their jobs.

No, there was a limited supply of the kind of heroes that risked their lives for free AND solely out of the kindness in their hearts.

Most were called vigilantes.

Jackie . . . . was currently in jail again for impersonating a cop going after a man who was accused of trafficking fentanyl to children.

"Ah, come on Chuck, can't you just cut me a break this time? I CAUGHT the guy for fucks sake!"

Chuck rolled his eyes, sitting back in his desk, "Yeah but you also impersonated a police officer which is ILLEGAL, Jackie. Next time, just call it in and leave it to the real heros, huh?"

"Oh fuck off" Jackie mumbled to himself.

"What was that?"

"Phone call . . . . I get a phone call, don't I?"

Chuck tapped his fingers on the desk and sighed heavily. He knew where this was going, "Yeah . . . yeah, you do. But do you honestly think they'll be all that happy they have to bail you out of jail AGAIN?"

Jackie just shrugged, "Eh, what they gonna do? Leave me in here to rot?"

"Maybe one day they will"

A couple of hours later, Jackie was grinning ear to ear, "I told ya they'd come through!"

"Yeah, whatever, you're lucky this time Jackie. Maybe not so lucky next time"

The person that bailed Jackie out of jail was smaller in stature but had an authoritative posture, "There better not be a next time. This is the LAST time"

Jackie snorted, "Whatever, you love me and you know it, Sammie"

Sammie whirled around on him, "This doesn't have anything to do with whether I love you or not, Jackie, and you know it! God, you're so stupid sometimes! You don't care about anyone else but yourself!"

"Hey, that's not true!" but Sammie didn't want to hear it and kept going, stomping her way out of the building.

"Hey! Sammie! Wait up!" Jackie ran after her, stopping her before she got to her car and put a hand on her shoulder.

She turned and slapped his hand off of her, "What do you want?!"

Jackie raised his hands submissively, "Hey . . . I'm sorry, okay? But I couldn't just let that guy continue to give those kids drugs . . . I just . . couldn't, alright? What if one of those kids had been Benny?"

Sammie glared at him, "What you COULD have done . . . was tell the police and let them do their fucking job . . . NOT attack the man and put him in the hospital in a coma. Now his WIFE is threatening to sue you and let me guess . . . you thought I was going to take care of THAT, too?"

Jackie cleared this throat, coughing a little in the surprise of her calculations, "Oh well . . uh . . . it'll be fine, Sam. I'm pretty sure I can get a good enough lawyer"

Sammie huffed at him, "And you just assume that lawyer will be me . . . am I right?"

Jackie finger gunned her, "You'd be the best sister in the world if you DID"

Sammie swat him on the chest, "You're lucky I love you . . . . I already put together your case and talked to the wife"

"YES! See?" Jackie laughed, "This is why you're the best!"

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