Part 4.2: Henrik's I.R.I.S.

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Many emotions ran through Henrik's mind. Anger, perhaps relief and a lot of confusion. But sadness? He wasn't sure.

There he stood next to his daughter and wife as they buried his father in the ground.

And he didn't know if he was really sad or not.

His daughter clung onto his hand, sniffling. She didn't understand but she lived her grandfather even if he never loved her. Children were always brought up to love their grandparents so why shouldn't she?

Eva, his estranged wife, leaned her head on his shoulder. Did she think he was still in shock? Maybe he was.

She hadn't been this close to him in so long but whether it was out of pity or not, Henrik didn't care. It was nice to feel her love again.

Henrik sighed heavily as the ceremony ended. It was done.

Of course, the police still hadn't ruled him out as a suspect. He wasn't sure why. He WAS the last person to see him alive, though. That's all he knew so far.

Henrik's number one guess, though, was perhaps he had a heart attack after their fight, his battle with cancer too much for his body to bear.

"Sweety?" Eva nudged him.

Henrik blinked and finally looked over to her, "Yes?"

"Olive and I were talking . . . we were wondering if maybe you'd have us back home with you? I don't want you to be alone after this"

Henrik was about to say yes. Why wouldn't he? He'd love nothing more.

But then there was the Reactor in his basement. . . . .

But he turned it off so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

He hesitated and Eva was about to reconsider when Henrik stopped her.

"Sure . . . . of course" he kissed her forehead. 

Olivia hugged her father even tighter, "Does this mean we're gonna be a real family again, daddy?"

Henrik's heart warmed and he hugged her close, "I hope so, my little mouse."

After the service was complete, they went back to Henrik's but he pulled Eva aside.

"Go see your room, little lass!" Henrik snapped his fingers playfully to Olivia, "It's just as you left it!"

She bounded up the stairs with a giggle, leaving her parents alone in the kitchen.

Henrik sighed again, "Eva . . . . I have to go to the police again. They still think me a suspect"

"But you didn't do it . .  did you?" she smirked lightly, "I mean he was a horrible old man but-"

"I'd never hurt my father" Henrik spoke steadily, "I may have hated the old bastard but I would never have killed him"

"Okay . . . ." Eva nodded, "Well for what it's worth . . . I believe you. Now there's just the discussion about the huge nuclear reactor in the basement"

Henrik paled, "How did you know about that!?"

"Come on, Hen, you left blueprints on the living room coffee table. You're lucky I found them and not the police. What if they decide to do a search? What then? You don't exactly have clearance to do this kind of stuff in your basement! It's not like the old days, Henny"

Henrik rolled his eyes at the nickname but let it slide, "First off, tis not a NUCLEAR reactor . . .. It's something . . ..  stranger. More powerful. Remember my work on that strange phenomena? When I found that broken mask?"

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