Part 17: In Your Head

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Antisepticeye was done playing around. 

But he knew they all didn't stand a chance how they were now. They were weakened.

Even with how angry he was, Antisepticeye grinned.

He still had one little trick up his sleeve.

That insane smirk on his fucking face, "Oh . . . . Jameson~"

Everyone glanced back to Jameson who stared back dead in his tracks. Terror was welling up inside of him at the thought of being solely targeted by him again.

Chase walked in front of Jameson to block Antisepticeye's view but the mad-man just chuckled regardless.

"Jameson . . . . . . do you remember my little trick I played with you and that lovely audience?"

Henrik gasped, "Jameson! Look away from him! Do not look in his eyes!"

"You think that'll help?" Antisepticeye spat his own blood out of his mouth onto the ground, suddenly frowning, "It won't . . . . . But I don't plan on possessing HIM just YET .  . . . . No . . . I want you all to suffer just a little more. . . . ."

He locked eyes with Anti, "Especially you"

Suddenly, Anti realized what he was going to do but he was too late. . . 


Antisepticeye's eyes shone that bright neon green and a rumble vibrated out of him and through the others in that very split second.

Jackie's ears rang, screeching a loud, high-pitched whine that hurt that hell. He gripped his ears and tried to yell to Marvin but he was holding his ears, too. They were all hearing it. They could all feel it.

Jameson blocked his ears, too, but he couldn't look away from Antisepticeye's sinister expression.

It drew him in.

And suddenly just as quickly, it swallowed him whole.

Just like everyone else in the vicinity.

Chase's eyes shot open and what he saw before him melted in his mind, cementing itself in.

The house . . . . . where his family was murdered.

"No . . . . no, no, no, this isn't real" he clamped his eyes shut, trying to envision where he was before.

But it was fading.


Chase opened his eyes again and turned around. 

'I know that voice . . . .'

No one was there but just down the hallway, he could see a light was on in the bathroom.

And suddenly just like that, he was back where it all started, all memory of everything that had happened after this gone from his mind.

"S . . .  Stacey? Jack!?"

He ran down the hall to find them.

Jameson hugged himself. He was back at the theater. 

It was dark and cold but he could hear laughter. There was singing and joy and love in the air.

And yet he was terrified. What was this place?

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