Part 11: It's Not a Dream

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Sean still didn't really understand it. So far this was the longest and weirdest dream he's ever had! It felt so real!

Of course. . . he DID have a nagging feeling something was wrong. 

Things were moving too much like real life. Nothing at all like any of his other dreams.

'But it HAS to be a dream. . . doesn't it?' it was the only option besides being crazy, 'So many other guys here that look like me going on about different dimensions and an evil version that ALSO looks like us?'

He scratched at his scruff, "Man, it'd make for one hell of a story"

"What'd you say, man?" Chase heard him, sipping on some tea across from him in the kitchen.

Sean grinned, not bothered at all. . . or at least, he tried to seem like he wasn't bothered, "Nothing! Really just wondering when I'll make up is all. I got a lot to work on back in the real world."

Chase snorted, already kind of fed up with him, "Oh yeah? What YOU gotta do that's so important?"

Sean flinched a little at that but shook it off, "Oh . . . well, I'm a YouTuber! A lot of people depend on me for videos and such!"

Chase raised his brow at him. He was a YouTuber, too, but Sean was overreaching a bit, it seemed, "Depend on you? Dude, you talk as if everyone'll unsubscribe to you if you don't put out videos constantly. Surely they can survive a week at least without you?"

Sean blinked, a bit perturbed by Chase's words, "I  . . .I don't know. Right now I'm doing about two videos a day"

Chase spat out some tea, "TWO VIDEOS A DAY!?"

'Geez, now that's dedication! Is that what I needed to do to gain subscribers?' but looking on Sean's form more and how tired he looked, he changed his mind rather quickly, 'Nah, nothing's worth THAT much stress'

"Dude" Chase rolled his eyes at Sean, "You gotta relax. Two's just too many. You're gonna drive yourself into an early grave if you keep going like that. Trust me, if your fans are true, they'll stay with ya even if you do one video every OTHER day"

Sean stared at Chase. There was just an aura about him that seemed so familiar. He reminded him of his dad except . . . perhaps a bit more comforting?

"Hm . . . I guess I never thought about it like that before"

"Well try it" Chase scoffed, "Anyway. . . . I'm gonna go check on some of the others. Try not to get into any trouble. I think Jackie'd kill over if he caught you trying to jump off the roof again. You still can't fly, man."

Sean crossed his arms  with a bit of a huff, "It's MY dream. . . .Should be able to do what I want"

"Yeah well . . . ." Chase sighed, "Have you given it consideration that maybe it's not a dream? I mean I wish it was, too, but I also wish dragons were real. You don't always get what you want"

With that, Chase walked out of the room, leaving Sean to his own devices.

'It HAS to be a dream, though. And a dream within a dream since I went to sleep here "last night". .  what a phenomenon. And that Jackie guy only stopped me because my brain doesn't wanna wake up yet! Yeah . . . that's it'

But deep inside, he felt like maybe he knew the truth. And it terrified him.

Anti watched on the other side of the room as Henrik finally put another mini Pheno together but in THIS dimension. 

'Gotta hand it to him, he's one hell of a genius' he smirked.

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