Part 9: You Can Trust Me

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They all stared at Marvin, awaiting an explanation while there was an unconscious version of Antisepticeye with an eye patch on the ground.

"Good?" Chase snorted, "Good?! You're saying there's a GOOD version of that son of a bitch!? Nu-UH, I'm not fucking buying it! What other shit have you lied to us about!?"

Jackie stared down at the unconscious alternate, "If he was as ruthless as the other one. . . . wouldn't he have been able to dodge that? . . If our other fights are anything to go by, that is"

Marvin blew a raspberry with his lips, getting annoyed with them, "Look . . . I just . . . I didn't even WANT to come here, either, okay? That's why it was Plan B. Maybe I should have him awake to help explain"

"No" Henrik stated firmly, "Let him . . . let him stay like that for a bit longer"

He kind of liked seeing a version of Antisepticeye so weak and helpless. Unconscious.

Marvin glared at him. They didn't have time for this.

He waved his hand, "Wake up, Anti"

Anti gasped, shooting upwards to sit up. He seemed very surprised, looking around at all of them. But instead of ecstatic joy like earlier. . .. it was with disappointment.

"You're not MY Septics . . . . are you?"

They all stared down at him, very confused.

Jackie crossed his arms with a brow raised, "Septics?"

"That's what the other set called themselves" Marvin waved it off staring down at the depressed glitch, "But look . . . we don't have much time, Anti. When the previous version of me . .. the one that YOU knew .. was dying. . . he warned me that that OTHER version of you was coming after US. If that makes sense."

"Yeah, it does" Anti remained sitting on the floor and curled his knees up under his chin, resting his face on them, "My Marvin was always really mysterious. I guess he'd know what to do next before he . . . ." he started to tear up a bit, "You know"

Marvin nodded. This was so fucking weird for all of them. Was he actually CRYING?

Chase cleared his throat, "If you're a version of HIM . . . then why aren't you trying to kill us? No offense, but I sure as hell don't fucking trust you"

Anti looked up at him and scratched at where the eye patch was, "I'd never hurt any of you"

He finally stood up and Jackie backed up instinctively but Anti didn't seem affected by it. He expected it, really.

He cracked his back and rubbed his jaw where Jackie had punched him, "Come on. Let's sit in the kitchen, yeah? I'll get some tea ready. We have a lot to talk about"

At this point, he looked even more depressed than Chase had been. They didn't know how to feel about it. Was he really an Antisepticeye?

Marvin was the first to follow him and then Jameson was right behind him.

Henrik fixed his glasses and took a deep breathe but decided on following. He trusted Marvin, even if he had been keeping secrets.

Chase and Jackie looked at each other and Chase bit his lip, "Do you trust him?"

Jackie really wasn't sure. Did he?

He shrugged, "I don't know. He's different, that's for sure. Something's just . . . REALLY different, though, about his vibe than the other Antisepticeye's. This one seems . . . like us. Does that make sense?"

Chase kept gnawing at his bottom lip, getting more and more anxious, "What if it's all just a big trick, though?"

"I don't know. We'll keep our guard up just in case. But . . . . there's something different about him"

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