Part 2: Jameson Jackson

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Tik tok . . ..  Tik tok . . . . . Tik tok. . . . . .

The sound of the ticking clocks in the room surrounded the bed with resounding foreboding doom.

Of course, the man in the bed wasn't perturbed by it at all. He was fast asleep, peaceful with the tikking around him. He loved clocks. Collected them, even. The walls were covered in all sorts of them big and small and normal to wacky. He even had a good collection of pocket watches.

Laying there in bed snoring, one would almost assume he was a psychopath for his affinity for clocks and watches. But that wasn't the only thing he was interested in. 


Suddenly one of the clocks went off and then one by one, they all started with their racket.

The man was a heavy sleeper, though, so it didn't startle him awake. He awoke peacefully, cracking open his eyes, listening to the orchestra of his collection.

He had clocks that played certain music at this time, ones that trumpetted, ones that tweeted like birds and even some that sounded like a gong.

Once the clocks all finally stopped with their alarms, he smiled and sat up.

'Well . . . I suppose it's time to start the day!'

He hopped up with a grin and bolted to the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was a rough but hopeful mess right out of bed.

'Come on, Jameson! Today's the day! You can do this! It won't take but a small few words and the rest will be history!'

Jameson smiled at himself and jaunted to the shower to clean up. When finished, he dressed up in his favorite nice blue shirt with a black vest, put on his favorite bowler hat and set up his pocket watch on his pants. Then he brushed up his mustache and goatee all proper and straightened his navy blue bow-tie. 

He wasn't exactly a normal sight in the area he lived in but his cheerful brought more life to the neighborhood.

Jameson tapped his foot to the beat in his head and went to grab his suitcase, all set and ready to go to work!

Leaving his studio apartment, he nodded with a big smile to his neighbor, old Ms. Wiles with the cats, "Good morning, M'lady! Lovely weather out this morning?"

Wiles scoffed, huffing her cigarette, "Sunny out. It's tragic"

Jameson just laughed, "Oh don't be so down, Ms. Wiles! You going to come see the show still this weekend?"

"We'll see, hon" she waved it off but Jameson knew she'd come. She never missed a show of his.

Running down the stairs and out to the street, he saw another friend of his, Mr. Griffith, the flower shop owner, "Jameson! Looking spiffy today, eh!?" he ran over to him, "Can I interest you in a blue marigold? It'd go dashing with your getup!"

Jameson just grinned, "Why of course!" he pulled out a five in exchange and Griffith pinned it to his vest.

"This weekend is gonna be big, Jameson! I got a big bouquet with your name on it hot and ready! Or well . .  you know what I mean! You gonna do it today? Eh? Like we discussed?"

Jameson winced, "Oh well . . . . you know . . . I plan on it but things could always change and-"

"Hey now, don't you chicken out on me! We went through this!" Griffith chuckled, "Ya just go up to 'em . . . say something stupid and they'll do the rest, alright? You'll know if they'll like ya or not, trust me. And I KNOW they'll like ya! You're a shoe in, kid!"

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