Part 5: Six Strangers in a Room

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He grinned. They were all so stupid.

Couldn't they see it was useless?

'Bastard thinks he's so clever' Antisepticeye's green eyes gleamed in the dark, always watching, 'But I've accounted for this. I'm too many steps ahead and they'll never win'

The meddling the magician was doing was all for nought. Antisepticeye was here now where they all were and if the magician wanted to save them, he'd have to come out himself and stop him.

'That is where he'll let his guard down. That is where they'll all see madness and be too busy panicking over themselves to even think of me coming for them'

Antisepticeye's lips curled into a snarl, 'He really should have joined me, my dear counterpart. But alas, he too, was just as weak as them. A mistake'

He saw Henrik speaking to Jackie through the camera.

'It's time'

Henrik was about to explain everything he knew to Jackie when the building's security alarm went off.

Jackie stood up and locked eyes with the doctor, "What's that?"

Henrik just scoffed, "He's here. Early. He must have known. Been watching!"

"What!?" Jackie curled his hands into fists, "That bastard is HERE!? NOW?! Where's your cameras so we can find him! I have unfinished business with that son of a bitch!"

"We all do!" the doctor snapped at him, "You are not zhe only one in zhis building he has hurt! But now's not zhe time for a fight! We have to protect zhe others! Help me get to them before he does!"

The alarm blared and the lights went red. Jackie's vision was blurring with rage but he eased up. 

'He's right. Antisepticeye's after our counterparts. I don't know why we're all so important but the doc seems to believe it really is'

He sighed, "Fine. Lead the way, doc" Jackie nodded to him, "I'll follow you"

Henrik nodded and with a few security guards, they made their way down the halls.

Jameson had never been more confused. 

He was being questioned constantly and then left alone, being told vague and unhelpful things. He had no idea where he was but honestly, he didn't really want to leave, either.

He felt . . oddly safe there.

Jameson had started to hear things, a voice in his head but he was comfortable with the idea of going insane. At least he'd have someone to talk to  and wouldn't be alone.

But then again, something told him, it wasn't his insanity. He didn't know this strange voice but they comforted him. 

He'd be safe there and Antisepticeye couldn't get to him and hurt him there.

That was enough for him.

The memory of that monster killing the love of his life and ripping out his tongue was still all too real. Like it had all just happened yesterday. 

And then he had appeared there.

At I.R.I.S. 

Jameson held his bowler hat to his chest as well as his knees on the bed they provided for him. 

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