Part 12: He Has Awoken

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"WAKE UP!!!" Sean screamed, clutching his head with his bloodied hands.

Marvin cursed silently, 'Shit, I don't wanna use my potion restock for this  . . . I think I still have that special cream, though! He'll have to stay still for that, though'

Sean tried desperately to hit himself, trying to knock him awake but Jackie ran to his aide, stopping him.


Marvin glared mildly at Chase, "This wouldn't have been so bad if you hadn't lied to him in the first place, you know"

Chase, even though he was concerned for Sean, rolled his eyes at Marvin, "You were there, too, you know. You could have fixed it there, too."

"Sean" Jackie snapped his fingers in front of him, earning his attention, "Listen to me. I know everything is crazy right now but you can trust us, okay? We're here to help"

Henrik snorted, "Oh, scheisse" 

"HELP!?" Sean shouted in his face, shoving him away, "If you wanted to help me at all, I wouldn't be here!"

Chase stepped forward a bit "Look, man, MOST of us don't wanna be here but it's either that or death so . . ." he waved his hands up and down like a scale to weigh the two options, "What we said is the truth."

Sean shuddered, not even registering that Marvin had rubbed some ointment on his wrists to stop the bleeding, "B-but . . . . But I don't wanna die . . . I just wanna wake up. . . I wanna go home. . . see my friends . . . be with Signe . . ."

"If all goes well . . . you will" Anti stepped forward, "Just try and be optimistic. There's a bad guy after us but there's only one of him and many of us. We got this" he winked.

His words seemed to calm Sean down a bit, just enough for Henrik to sneak behind him and stab him in the back of the neck with a syringe.

Almost at once, Sean's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he passed out.

Jackie caught him, "What the hell, Hen!? A little warning next time?!"

Henrik just put the syringe away, looking unbothered, "Vhy? I thought ve were all on the same page . . . was I NOT supposed to knock him out?"

Jameson had watched the scene before him and honestly, he was starting to lose a little hope. Something was shifting in the air and he didn't like it.

And once Jameson glanced over the Anti, he was even more sure something else was wrong.

He just looked so . . . downcast. Depressed. 

'But why?' he thought to himself, 'He just said all those things about being optimistic. That we'd make it through this. Was that all just a lie?  . . what is he hiding?'

Henrik stood up, "Ve don't have time for this. If we only have a day or so more left, zhen we have to work fast."

"What do you need?" Jackie picked Sean up in his arms and went to the living room to set him down on the couch, "Just name it, Hen. We'll all put in the effort we can to help"

Henrik nodded, fixing his glasses, "I'm almost done vith the Pheno gun but I've also been developing another weapon while you slackers have been sleeping"

Anti raised a brow at him, "Just because you're too stubborn and your body doesn't know what sleep is doesn't mean we're slackers."

"What do you need from me, Hen?" Marvin asked, "I think I could give ya some more juice if ya needed it-"

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