Part 8: Pay Attention!

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Chase, Jameson and Henrik sat together at the dining table drinking their coffee while Jackie leaned against the kitchen counter.

Marvin was currently on his third cup of coffee mumbling to himself about the 'plan'.

"So uh . . " Chase whispered to Jameson and Henrik, "Who here thinks the wizard is off his rocker?"

"Aren't we all?" Henrik drawled, "I mean look at us .. .  we're not exactly all normal. We've all been traumatized in one way or another by zhe same psychopath"

Jackie lifted his mug, "Here, here"

Chase signed, "It's just . . . I'm wondering about plan B"

'I'm sure Plan A will work' Jameson tried his best to be optimistic. Who else was going to be?

"But what if it doesn't?" Chase never was one to look on the positives anymore, "Merlin over there seemed . . . . odd about it, you know? Like he didn't even wanna THINK about plan B. Must suck if he doesn't even wanna talk about it to us. He was all crypticy about it."

Henrik shrugged, "Vell right now, he's our best chance"

Jameson shook his head and pointed to him, 'You're the one who's going to make that gun thing, right? I'd say our best chance is YOU'

"Fantastic" Henrik groaned, "Just what I vanted to hear" he dragged on sarcastically, "It's going to take a miracle to make a gun with zhat much power. And zhen you have to hit zhe bastard vith it" he snorted, directed the last bit to Chase.

"Oh yeah" Chase sighed, "We're so fucked"

Jackie rolled his eyes at them, 'They really don't have any faith, do they? . .. I guess I can't blame them. Before today, I didn't either but that was also before I knew magic existed.' 

Jackie glanced over at Marvin who was jittering. He looked worried, which concerned him.

"Hey . . . I'm sure everything will turn out fine"

Marvin absentmindedly nodded, " . . .Yeah . . . sure" he didn't look like he believed himself.

"Hey . . so . . . exactly what KIND of wizard are you?"

Marvin momentarily stopped jittering and looked up at him, "Hm?"

Jackie realized that probably sounded a bit douchey, "What I mean is . .  well I saw what you did and could do. . ..  but . . .. What CAN you do . . .. I guess is what I'm asking?"

"Ah" Marvin nodded, "I see . . . well . .. I don't know, I guess. I can do a lot of things. I started my magical research a few years ago after I discovered I COULD do it and then . . . I just couldn't stop learning I guess."

"So you can teleport through dimensions, make potions and create weird shields  . . . what else is there?"

"Well . . ." Marvin tried to think of some other things, "I can conjure certain items . . . see tiny bits and pieces of the future or fortune-telling I guess . . . lower class magic tricks . .. I've brought small animals back to life-" he stopped himself, remembering what happened to Evan.

 Jackie smirked, "That's all kinda cool. My nephew Benny would have loved that stuff. The magic tricks, that is"

"Can you do one for us?" Chase got up from his chair and came closer to them, "Maybe you could make me disappear, huh?"

"Like an magician's assistant?" Marvin chuckled, "Nah, sorry but you ain't nearly pretty enough"

Henrik finished his cup of coffee, "Alright . . . I'm going to go start. You lot have fun. I have vork and planning to do. Marvin, I'll let you know vhen I need you"

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