Part 10: Hello, Jacksepticeye!

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"So he's good for now" Marvin had Sean in view on his crystal ball, "Looks like he's recording a video or something."

Chase was immediately interested, "He a YouTuber?"

"I think so" Marvin nodded, "Looks like it. Good news is, Anti hasn't given him a visit just yet."

Anti nodded, a bit relieved but glared at Marvin, "Can we stop calling him Anti? He's Antisepticeye. I'M Anti."

"Yeah, sure, whatever" Marvin didn't seem like he was even paying attention, "Looks like AntiSEPTICEYE is still out for the count, too."

"Great" Henrik nodded, "Zhen you can teleport him here and-"

"Wait" Jackie stopped the conversation, "Why can't we just go back to Antisepticye and take him down while he's recovering? If you see him, then-"

"Not that simple" Anti shook his head, "He's gonna be able to tell if anything comes near him. It's a sixth sense we have. And the moment you try and attack, if he's not ready, he'll just teleport or glitch away somewhere else"

"Bummer" Chase scoffed.

"Anyway" Marvin huffed with his hands on his hips, "Looks like we got a task ahead of us. I can go but I might need someone else's help to convince him. Anyone wanna volunteer? Anti? How about you?"

Anti shook his head, "No. I don't like moving around dimensions  anymore. Chase would be good, though, I think"

Chase snapped his head back to stare at the ex-villain, "WHAT!? ME?! Why me?!"

Anti just shrugged, "You and Sean had always had a lot in common even if you were alters of each other. You'll understand him better than any of the others. You'll be able to  calm him easier, anyway"

"Dude, you sure?" he snorted, "I don't know about that. I've seen some shit the last few days. I'm not exactly sane, myself"

"Well either way, we don't have a lot of options" Marvin brought up, "He won't understand Jameson, Jackie might scare him with how buff he is compared to any of us and Henrik . . . isn't exactly a comforting kind of guy"

Henrik glared at him, "Fuck you"

"See what I mean?"

Chase rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll do it. I'll tag along. You're sure Antisepticeye won't be able to intervene? He's still shit-faced?"

Anti hummed, "More or less." he caught Chase's whimper, "You'll be fine, Ace. I wouldn't lie to you"

Chase didn't care for the old nickname but didn't say anything on it.

Marvin nodded to Henrik, "Alright, so you'll start working on getting that other Pheno Reactor up and running again? Anti, be a dear and help him?"

Anti rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Kind of figured it was coming to that. You can use his . ..  well . . your lab, doc. Let me know if you need anything but I'm certain Jackie could be better help than me."

Jackie raised a brow, not sure what he meant, "You're more of a help that you realize, Anti. You said you worked a lot with the other Henrik in his lab, didn't you?"

Henrik crossed his arms and tapped his glasses up his nose, "Actually, I might need your assistance anyway, Jackie. There's a lot of chaos down in the lab. I'll need your help moving things around for me"

 "Got ya. No problem, doc"

Jameson looked as though he sighed, tired of all the uncertainty, 'I'm going to look around.'

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