chapter twenty one - my last semester

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We get back home from New York early afternoon the next day. Meg almost immediately heads to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of water.

"Coffee?" She asks me, as I follow her in. With a smile, I shake my head.

"No thanks, honey. I'm actually gonna go pick Dodger up from my mom's." And pick up the ring.

"I'll come with." Shit. Panic washes over my face.

"Oh... don't be daft. You don't have to come. I know you're tired."

"No, it's okay. I w-want to come." Shit, how do I say no without coming clean? Thankfully, her phone starts ringing at that moment. "Oh, hang on." She takes it out of her pocket and then lets out a small laugh. "It's mum." I smile. Thank you, Tina.

"You should take it. She'll want to know all about New York. Don't worry, I won't be long." She nods an okay.

"Alright, yeah." I peck her lips and she smiles, sighing in content.

"See you soon. I love you." She mouths an I love you back, as she answers her phone and I start walking out. I head out of the house and hop back into the car, starting the engine. Before going to my mom's, I drive into the city to pick the ring up. I can barely contain my excitement as I do so. I open the box up and look at the ring back in my car, not wanting to be caught out by potential prying eyes. I can't keep the smile off my face. It's perfect. Utterly perfect. I hope Meg will like it.

When I get to my mom's house, I knock enthusiastically, barely able to keep still or stop smiling. A few moments later, the door opens with my mom on the other side. She smiles.

"Come on in, son. Dodger is just in the garden." I nod and step inside the house, before we both walk into the kitchen. "How was New York? Did you have a good time?" She asks curiously, switching the coffee machine on. With a wide smile, I nod eagerly.

"It was amazing, yeah."

"Did Meg enjoy herself?"

"Yeah, she did. She had a blast. It was really great. We ended up doing quite a lot actually even though we were only there three days. There was one, little hiccup, but we sorted it and I think we've come out stronger."

"What little hiccup? Is everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah, it's fine now. We just bumped into Minka and, well, I didn't handle the situation great and Meg got upset, but we talked and worked through it." That's when Dodger scurries in and I smile widely. "Hey, bubba." He gets excited and runs over to me, as I bend down to fuss him. "Ah, hi buddy. Hiii. I missed you too." I kiss the top of his head.

"Minka? What do you mean you didn't handle the situation great? What did you do?" She pries and I let out a laugh, rising back to my feet. Dodger jumps up at me and I keep stroking him.

"Nothing. That was the problem. I mean, I talked to Minka obviously, but Meg felt a little pushed aside."

"I never really liked that girl. There was too much drama with her. Meg's a much better fit. Don't go ruining that for the past." She tells me, making me smile uncontrollably.

"Mom, I've brought an engagement ring so I can propose to Meg." I point out and she smiles at me, narrowing her eyes. "I think my intentions are pretty clear. Minka is in the past and that's where she's staying. The reason I didn't handle it so well is because when I talk about Meg, my mouth tends to run away with me. I thought that might have been a little awkward, but the person it ended up hurting was Meg."

"You silly boy." Laughing softly, I nod.

"I know. I was an idiot, but we've talked through it. I made sure she knows that I only ever want her. I wouldn't ruin what I have with Meg for anything or anyone."

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