Chpt 4 - There's no Hope

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Cole's POV -

Leaning a steady ear against Wu's door, I couldn't hear anything except for Jay's breathing, as he was leaning behind me against my shoulder.

"Jay! Shh". I hissed, while smacking the back of his head.

Hearing him wince loudly, Nya started shushing him too, now that's a unforgettable memory that'll live for a life time. Focusing on the task at hand,I noticed  the brown nose Ninja, Lloyd, arrived, great, what's worse he had Harumi and Garmadon with him, it seems after that whole entire crystal situation they became their own small family, such betrayal.

Kai's POV -
Silently opening the door, face shadowed in a rage, it seemed Wu will be useless with my situation, great. About to step out of the room, something or someone at my feet had screamed excessively loud. Quickly springing backwards, that's when I'd noticed Cole on the wooden flooring in a kneeling position while rubbing his ribs aggressively,well it seems like I'd accidentally kicked him.

"Cole! That's your fault, anyways Kai a word outside for a moment". Commanded Lloyd, which caused me to give him an unfriendly glare.

Remembering last time we talked out in the courtyard, I decided to keep an excessive amount of safe distance between the Lloyd trio, even if it did seem ridiculous.

"Garmadon tell him, or did you want me to?" Queered Lloyd, funny enough Garmadon laughed at his son, weird.

"Of course Lloyd! Now hothead, Harumi went to the Royal library and found ancient scrolls, however! If we help you, you'll first have to tell us HOW it happened, deal?". Pupils contracting, fist clenching, ridiculous! Like I'd tell them anything! I've hidden it for so long, no one will break me or the curse that easily!

"Pathetic!" I snapped, inching closer to the Lloyd trio, this wasn't my control, something made me approach them, not good. "Me tell you anything? Really how stupid do you got to be? I've searched years for scrolls, or any sign of hope, nothing! Then you waltz into our lives and have a magical scroll? Yeah right!" I hissed, knowing damn well they are lying to me.

Hearing Garmadon hysterically laugh to only himself, I wondered what was so funny. Lifting a confused brow, Lloyd sighed deeply, as Harumi pulled Garmadon aside.

"Listen Kai, I know your trust is... non existent but trust me, I'd never lie to you, you're my brother, not in blood but bond, please". Hearing Lloyd plead made me chuckle to myself, because pleading was a clear sign of being frail minded, simply pathetic.

Crossing my arms in a huff, that's when I'd sensed something wasn't right, not only in the atmosphere but our location. Glancing around quickly, nothing, strange I swear someone was eavesdropping, that definitely wasn't a ninja. Feeling paranoid, I kept frantically glancing around our surroundings, still nothing, why was this happening? Am I losing my mind? No it can't be, surely not, right?

"Kai? You alright?". Questioned Lloyd, who was slowly approaching me, like I was the threat, hilarious.

Hyperventilating by this stage, it felt like phantom hands wrapped around my throat, restraining me from oxygen.

Lloyd's POV -
Noticing Kai became awfully motionless, that didn't look good at all, what was even happening?

Wanting to ask questions, surprisingly Garmadon spoke up but his voice was harsh, that's never a good sign. "Kai's losing". Was all Garmadon spoke before he turned to the seemingly endless staircase, with Harumi at his heel.

"Dad! Where are you going?". I'd asked, trying my best to keep an eye on Kai at the same time, which was extremely difficult. What Garmadon said next, turned my heart to ice in an instant. "Kai's not going to be himself for very longer, he's slipping from the light, quickly descending into madness, I'll watch out if I was you son".

At that I was all alone, except for the uncontrollable Kai behind me, still it felt good to have security. Putting on a brave expression, I had to make sure Kai was alright, so cautiously turning around, what I saw next deeply scarred me.

Kai's POV -
Kneeled down, black blood kept constantly streaming down my mouth, no matter how many attempts to wipe it away, nothing worked. Breathing shakily, hearing Lloyd's blood curling screech broke my heart severely, I never wanted this to happen, I'd just wanted to live a peaceful life and never Tamper with the Overlords curse given to me.

"Lloyd, you want the truth I'll give it to you, you see this curse was given to me by-". Losing all words, those phantom claws came back, however instead of choking me they were now strangling me with more force, meaning they didn't want anyone to know my darkest secret, making it my eternal burden.

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