Chpt 7 - The Oni Is Free

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Lloyd's POV -
Shakily stepping back with the other two, Kai began shifting, which was REALLY not good. Breathing becoming harsher, I couldn't think of anything to help him, all we could do was watch in horror.

Kai's POV -
Screaming in agony, lower canine's immediately becoming tusk, fingernails sharpening beyond human level, ONI horns sprouted upwards, my eyes shifting to a completely amber colour and worst of all was another two pairs of ONI arms sprouted below my human pair.

Snarling loudly, breathing becoming heavy, my mind went into a complete feral state of mind.

"Kai? Is that you?". I heard faintly from Lloyd's direction, why should they care? Wait... they're not my enemies, Nya is.

Slowly approaching them, lifting up my once broken arm, I pointed at Lloyd directly, making sure to maintain a safe distance.

"Where's Nya, she'll pay for this". After speaking to them, why did my voice deepened? This was definitely a whole new experience for me.

Shakily staring down at all four of both my human and ONI pair of arms, they began trembling. realising I'd completely snapped, the curse seal itself had disappeared, I only hoped I'll be able to transform back to myself.

About to hear Lloyd's response, finally, Garmadon ended up being the first voice to be heard. "Wow that's messed up, a human that's transformed into an Oni, I've never seen anything like THIS before". Hearing Garmadon laugh hysterically afterwards, Why?

Lloyd's POV -
Unable to react, this definitely wasn't normal, especially Kai was never hostile or had any destructive characteristics.Personally I've only seen his purest and darkest form at the tournament of elementals, however this was on another level.

Hearing my Father laugh hysterically at Kai, that wasn't a smart move on his behalf. Watching Garmadon painfully crash into the Monastery entrance gate, he'd completely broken it in half. Wincing in response to that painful act, Kai immediately snapped his head towards our direction, instinctively making us all deer in headlights.

Jays POV -
Teeth bared in a snarl, slowly descending into the shadows, this wasn't apart of Nya's plan, neither was her reprogramming Zane to break poor Kai's arm. Not wanting any part of this, I'd slowly disappeared into the darkness, hoping to not get questioned later by Lloyd.

Cole's POV -
Enraged, why would Zane do something that horrendous! He was such a sweet and delicate nindroid, I've never ever seen him hurt a fly. Breathing shakily, Lloyd placed a steady hand onto my shoulder, how was he so calm?

"Cole trust me , I'm beyond infuriated, however we need to keep a calm mind and try to ease Kai, I want you to stay here alright". Was he insane! Shaking my head at his words, I'd ended up crossing my arms in a huff. "Not a chance Lloyd, we're in this together!". I snapped angrily, trying to act brave, when in reality I was completely paralysed by Kai's new form.

Morro's POV -
Steadily kneeled on the monastery rooftop, what a magnificent sight! Kai's Oni form, right in front of me. Grinning madly, Nya surely was a villainous mastermind deep inside her heart, it seems jealousy is also a powerful weapon.

"Extraordinary! Kai's Oni form is definitely unique compared to the Overlord or Garmadon Oni form, however it's also highly unpredictable, not good". Muttering to only myself, that's when I'd noticed Jay suspiciously disappear into the shadows, which allowed me to follow after him silently.

Kai's POV -
Roaring in agonising pain, my entire body was tearing itself apart to stay in the Oni form, the only good thing was the unlimited power coursing throughout my veins. Breathing heavily, all four arms lowered, head slightly lifted upwards, I'd noticed Jay disappeared without a sound, yet he definitely was acting suspicious.

Inching closer to Lloyd, something didn't feel right, my ankles felt extremely uncomfortable, like chains were dragging me, trying to slow my body down. Able to finally approach Lloyd, he accidentally bumped into the Shoji doors, his breathing becoming extremely shaky.

"Lloyd, do not fear, you and Cole are safe, I'm also sincerely sorry about Garmadon, I accidentally mistaken him for someone else". Seeing Lloyd calm down a little, Cole surprisingly threw himself at me, embracing us into a uncomfortable hug. Carefully lifting my Oni arms up, I gently wrapped them around Cole, returning the hug. Feeling Cole tightly grip my jumper, he seemed to begin to weep, poor guy.

"Kai I don't know what's happening but I'm sorry about Nya, I don't know what happened with them, it's strange". Nodding at Lloyd's speech, he was right it's definitely unusual, especially this whole situation and with Morro being back, however that was a conversation for another time.

Glancing around quickly, I made sure to allow Cole still be embraced in our uncomfortable hug. Baring my sharp canines, that's when I'd sensed Morro's presence nearby, why him of all people? Ignoring that for now, Cole decided to slowly step back, however as he looked up at me, his entire face was drenched in tears.

"Kai what happens now?". Cole sniffled, while gently wiping away his tears.

Sighing, that was actually a good question, what happens now? Do I try to hunt down Jay and Nya? Or should I leave them for now? Thoughts racing, something sharp shot throughout my lower back, weird. Yelling turning into screaming, the sharp pain kept increasing, now it felt like a blade piercing through my flesh, trying to aim for a main artery.

Snapping around in an instant, Zane jumped backwards, firmly holding a shuriken drenched in darkened blood, meaning he was my attacker, great. Standing firmly in the one spot, Lloyd surprisingly stepped to my left, Cole coming next to my right.

Smirking at Zane, he only kept a monotonous expression, that's when a thought hit me. "Wait, that's his expression if someone has tampered with his hardware, meaning Nya is the culprit!".

Rushing towards Zane, becoming a blur to the human eye, that instant my Oni claws were about to tear his metal,piece by piece, I'd ended up collapsing harshly onto the concrete flooring. Struggling to breathe, I managed to glance at Zane's shuriken to see poison slowly dripping off the edges, clever Nya, you win this time round, next time you won't be so lucky. Crashing my entire forehead into the concrete, my body began slowly transforming back to my human form, yet I only hoped to wake up for another day, for now I'm getting consumed by utter darkness, once again.

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