Chpt 10 - Deal With The Devil

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Cole's POV -
Rushing towards Kai's room, it was completely sealed shut, not good. Biting one corner of my lip, this wasn't normal, why was this happening?

Gripping tightly onto the doorknob, no matter how much strength was put into my effect, it wouldn't budge an inch. Ideas thinning, there was one solution I could try as a last resort, only hoping this would work. Colliding both fist together, activating my ultimate move, I'd only prayed beyond everything in Ninjago this would work.

Kai's POV -
Cornered like a rat , Morro sinisterly grinned at my puny effects. Not wanting a fight, I quickly glanced at my kneeled legs, taking calming breaths each time my anxiety tried spiking.

"Kai look at me!". Morro snapped aggressively, unfortunately I obeyed him without a second thought.

Glaring shakily at Morro, he seemed more confident than before, I wonder why. Noticing his ghastly hand outstretched, that's when I knew exactly why he was here.

"Kai Jay Smith, it's unfortunate how damaged you are internally, what a shame". Confidently knowing  what Morro meant, I was wrong, especially Zane didn't inform me of all my internal damage. " oh Kai, you've got a punctured Kidney, fractured shoulder and" watching Morro lean closer to me, caused my instincts into hard drive. "Poison that's suffocating your heart slowly, one wrong move and you're dead in an instant".

Breathing rapidly, mind racing uncontrollably, this can't be the truth, can it? Slowly trying to force myself to stand, surprisingly Morro wrapped his arm around my elbow, carefully pulling me up, that's when I'd realised, he was not a threat anymore but an ally, a true friend.

"Thank you" I gasped painfully, knowing this could be a mind game, however it didn't matter anymore.

"Anytime, anyways back to the matter at hand". Sighing annoyingly, regret started building, why did Morro hunt me down just for this deal? It's strange.

"Kai do you accept the deal, team up with us and we'll teach you to have no injuries or struggle when turning into your Oni form". Hearing those words, my instincts told me "do it, Morro and whoever else is on his side are definitely powerful, forget betrayal". Grinning happily, Morro surprisingly returned it back.

"It's a deal" I foolishly blurted, at that Morro threw my entire body into the window ledge.

Wincing loudly, as blood splattered out, Morro mysteriously disappeared, leaving not a single trace, then that's when it happened. Nearly getting knocked out by my own door, Cole angrily began approaching me, while cautiously avoiding Zane's lifeless body.

"You!" Hissed Cole, fist tightly clenched in a rage, not good.

Smiling weakly, Cole only bared his teeth in a response, rude. "Why did you team with Morro! You betrayer!". Snapped Cole, inching closer by the second.

Shakily placing my arms above my head, it was extremely painful, however I had to show Cole I'm not a threat.

"Listen" unable to speak further, Cole started hysterically laughing, why? Was he pulling my leg? "Kai why so defensive? I'm only joking, why are you so shaken up? Did something bad happen?".

Speechless beyond anything, that little, here I am generally concerned he eavesdropped onto our conversation, turns out he was pulling my leg, absolutely ridiculous. "Yeah something did happen, Zane lied to me! There's more damage internally than what he stated!".

Noticing Cole unfazed, wait did Zane tell him everything? Why leave me in the dark if it's so important, I don't get it. "Yeah I know Kai, Zane told us all separately, except Nya and Jay".

Breathing shakily, an agonising sharp pain could be felt in my heart, meaning I reached maximum limit of being conscious, great. Harshly crashing to my knees, I'd just dreamed of us going back to normal, without betrayal, without any Oni business, nothing. Wanting to tell Cole one last thing, my body couldn't tolerate anymore, as I faded into darkness once again, my heart jolted at the sound of my Oni forms laughter, why was it laughing? This isn't good!

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