Chpt 9 - Truth

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Zane's POV -

Unable to stop Cole, I understand his frustration, it was difficult even for a nindroid. Sighing to myself, ready to turn back to the matter at hand, that's when Kai surprisingly grasped onto my wrist, however the pressure was inhuman.

Shakily glancing over my shoulder, Kai had these inhuman Oni tusk growing from his lower canines, causing me to become paralysed in an instant.

Kai's POV -
Staring at Zane intensely, he became a deer in highlights upon noticing my Oni tusk grew. Smirking to myself, Zane struggled to get out of my inhuman grasp, that's when a thought hit me. "Zane's not the threat nor Enemy, Nya is my target".

Quickly releasing Zane's wrist, he immediately jumped backwards, standing closer to the entrance of my room, he was trying to keep me away, clever.

Slowly forcing myself up, everything was in agonising pain, hell I couldn't even feel my right arm anymore, even though it's completely healed. About to slid off onto the wooden flooring, an immense of pain shot throughout my ribs, causing me to harshly come crashing to the floor.

Excepting the worst, especially the pain about to come crashing down onto my face, surprisingly Zane caught me at the last second,I wonder why?

"Kai do not try to force yourself to stand, rest you deserve it". Shocked at Zane's words, he was such a gentle creature, only wanting peace not violence, that's how I knew for sure someone corrupted his programming, so disrespectful.

"Alright fine but tell me something Zane". I commanded, thankfully he gently laid me upwards against my bed frame. "Of course Kai, anything". Hearing those words, it warmed my heart to see Zane as himself, not some mindless puppet. "How long have I been gone for? Personally to me it feels like yesterday, however to you guys it could be months, right?".

Noticing Zane sadly nod, that can never be good. "A week is the duration of your coma". Hearing the word 'coma' what did he mean? Panicking, I went into a coma! How was this even possible? Heart racing, this was unbelievable.

"W-what Coma Zane?" Shakily speaking those words, Zane stopped direct eye contact. "That Oni has gotten beyond powerful, unfortunately the poison only enraged it more, that Wu informed us it was a 00001.0% chance of you surviving".

Clenching my chest, why would Nya make me suffer such an agonising experience, it wasn't right!

Cole's POV -
Silently hiding near Kai's room, eavesdropping into their conversation, Zane was right though, he was in such a deep coma, none of us believe he would survive, let alone still be able to move or even talk for that matter.

Forcing my eyelids shut, clenching onto my Ninja GI, that's when an unknown yet unnatural source of wind brushed past the nape of my neck. Reacting quickly, fist held up in a fighting position, an unknown light green orb flew past, heading directly for Kai's room, what now!

Kai's POV -
Glaring down at my trembling scarred hands, I began opening my mouth slowly to ask Zane a question, yet that didn't go to plan.

Hearing an excessively loud 'clang' directly in front of me, I'd noticed Zane collapsed on the ground, his completely lifeless eyes staring at my direction. Shakily forcing my knees to chest level, why was this happening? Who would've done this!

Breathing rapidly, the door slammed aggressively in one single motion, however no one was standing there or even nearby, so how did it do that by itself? that can only mean.... Morro.

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