Chpt 17 - Human Once More

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Zane's POV -
About to spring backwards in an instant,Surprisingly seeing Kai smile happily at me, his Oni flame had  already died down, good. Wanting to bring him into a hug, Kai began backing away into the shadows, shading half his face in the process, weird.

Lloyd's POV -
Happily seeing everything back to normal, my adrenaline had depleted, damnit, this wasn't good. Weakly crash backwards, mind fogged over, all this agonising pain rushed over my entire body.

Jay's POV -
Smirking, good, Kai came back to senses, thankfully now everything was normal, for now it seemed, still that was a good thing. Slowly heading for the elevator weirdly enough, Cole sluggishly followed after, strange, he didn't seem like himself, maybe he too was tired?

Cole's POV -
Bloodlust, internal rage and hatred, all swelling into an uncontrollable whirlpool of endless suffering, why did Kai get all the attention! It isn't fair! I swear I'll get my revenge, one way or another, you better be prepare Kai!

Skylor's POV -
Relief washing over, it felt calming, like the aftermath after a severe thunderstorm. Ready to disappear and head back to the Noodle shop, something odd caught my eye. Spotting Cole sluggishly walking in the shadows, his entire aura seemed unusually dark, that can't be good, I only hoped Morro hadn't gotten to him already.

Kai's POV -
Agonising pain overwhelming my entire body, I wanted to collapse at this second, however, staying extremely strong, I'd wrapped an arm around Zane's shoulder, grinning madly.

"Soo Zane want to join me with some Chen's noodles?". Noticing Zane nod repeatedly in excitement, Jay, out of nowhere, zoomed fast as possible over to us. "Ooh me too!".

Smiling happily, finally a family, not in blood but bound, reunited. I'm glad everything returned to normal or so I thought, except this was only the beginning to an even greater battle.

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