Chpt 8 - No Hope

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Zane's POV -
Carefully placing a damp towel onto Kai's forehead, what happened a week ago was absolutely sickening , especially how Nya made me break poor Kai's arm, resulting in the release of his darkest form. Sighing coldly, Cole decided to finally come into the room, I wonder why he was hesitating?

"Hello Cole, there's no need to worry for Kai, he's nearly completely healed-" wanting to say more, Cole rudely cut me off. "I'm not worried about that, it's his" why was he hesitating again? "What's the matter Cole?". I asked, trying to reassure him. At that Cole snapped himself. "What about Kai's Oni form? Will Kai be able to control it?".

Unsure how to answer, Cole was right though, If I hadn't... no! If Nya hadn't interfered with my programming, Kai would be awake, human and his darkest burden still a mystery to us. Smiling at the troubled Master of Earth, He immediately glanced at the wooden flooring instead,unable to even look at me anymore.

"Cole" wanting to say more or even apologise, something within me hesitated, not wanting to start any unwanted fights in the process. Slowly approaching Cole, that's when an unusual noise came from Kai, could this be a miracle?

Kai's POV -
Body heat surpassing dangerous levels, every muscle, bone and tissue was in agony. Breathing rapidly, it felt as if my lungs forcefully collapsed in the process of becoming human again. Wincing loudly, Zane hurriedly rushed to my bedside, panic consuming his robotic features, thank god he was normal.

"Cole! Bring me the bucket immediately!". Hearing Zane scream at someone, unable to hear their name, a silhouette near the door started running, disappearing into the corridor.

Noticing Zane steadily place a hand onto my dangerously overheated forehead, he became heavily consumed by concern.

"Kai how are you feeling?". Chuckling why would Zane need to do that, he could cheat the system and run a diagnostics easily but why didn't he?

"Tell me something Zane, why don't you just run a diagnostic on me, it's fine, I don't care". Seeing Zane flinch at those words, he ended up inching closer, staring intensely at me, up and down.

Zane's POV -
Forcing myself backwards, this was not good, Kai had severe muscle strains, fractured limbs,burst veins and worst injury was in the rib cage, meaning when those Oni arms bursted out, it broke his rib cage in the process, not good at all but how was he still alive?

Surprised beyond anything, Cole finally came back, steadily holding a bucket full of water, good.

Cole's POV -
Watching Zane carefully give Kai another towel, this time it was drenched in water, that's never a good sign. Wanting answers, Zane surprisingly pulled me aside, leaning closer than usual.

"Cole I'm afraid Kai's... what's the word,broken, his rib case is extremely broken nothing can heal it, no matter the treatment, unfortunately, however if Kai uses his Oni form to heal it-" unintentionally grasping Zane's Ninja GI, I'd completely cut him off from speaking anymore nonsense. "Enough! There's got to be another way, surely". I pleaded, hoping Zane would tell me there is another way but it didn't happen. "I'm sorry Cole there is no other way, I've done multiple possibilities, none have succeed, only IF he releases the Oni power to heal himself".

Frustrated beyond redemption, ridiculous! Storming out into the corridor, Zane hadn't tried to stop me once, there was no way I'd let Kai kill himself or worse truly become a monster.

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