Chpt 5 - The Ghost Of Wind

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Kai's POV -

Jolting straight up, panicked, confused and concerned, I'd realised I was back in my room, why? What happened yesterday? Did I reveal my secrets? No! That damn curse strangled me nearly to death! Infuriated , someone had begun gently opening my door but who could it be? No one cared for me anymore, or so I thought.

"KAI!" Was all I heard before getting embraced in an unwanted hug, still unable to see on who it was.

Struggling to breathe, I'd managed to life my chin up onto their shoulder, that's when I realised, it was Nya, why her of all ninja?

"I'm so glad you're awake, Lloyd told us you randomly started choking yourself without any explanation, you had us all worried!". Pleaded Nya, however I don't remember choking myself, it was those phantom claws, right?

Glaring shakily at my own hands, Nya ended up sitting directly next to me, smiling brightly, yet I couldn't even smile, not once, the situation with my curse seemed to be wavering, there will be no smiling...for now.

"Get Lloyd" I hissed underneath my breath, causing Nya to flinch in concern.

Getting her pale hand softly touch my shoulder, Nya shook her head, disobeying my command. "No, Kai whatever happened that can wait, anyways Lloyd is with Harumi out in Ninjago city somewhere, rest you need it". Breathing shakily from pure anger, I won't sit back and rest, I need answers.

Carefully sliding of the bed, trying my hardest not to bump Nya, once my bare feet touched the wooden flooring I slowly began heading for my door, fist tightly clenched in the process.

Motionlessly standing in an abandoned suburb near the docks, it was completely silent, not a single peep from anything, which was strange to say the least. Glancing around, hands comfortably placed in my jumpers pockets, the outside seemed more colder than a year ago.

Shaking these thoughts, focus! Breathing calmly, Nya told me they were here unless.... Realising that's when a thought hit. "She lied to me.... Stupid! I knew I'd sensed Lloyd back at the monastery, yet I believed her".

Teeth bared, alright two can play that game then. About to head back to the monastery, something caused a sudden chill down my spine but I couldn't sense anything, so what was behind me then? Slowly turning my head, over my shoulder, a ghostly silhouette stood calmly, baring a sinister smile across their shadowed face.

"Hello Kai, long no time, am I right?" It began chuckling, was this their plan all along? Trick me into some trap? Or was this a random coincidence?

Not moving any muscles, the silhouette stayed hidden which was unusual, yet I didn't question it at all. "They abandoned you! Didn't they? Join us Kai Jay Smith, we'll help you contain that curse of yours, so do we have a deal?". Seeing a ghostly hand reach out of the darkness... why...did that... look like.... No It can't be.

Becoming paralysed, how was the master of Wind, Morro, here? More specifically, in front of me? Questions racing, thankfully he cleared the confusion. "Kai,master of fire, i understand you're confused, yet the Overlord, roughly a year ago, resurrected me as a 'backup plan' so here I am". Wanting to turn tail, I needed more answers than given.

Standing my ground firmly, that's when I'd faintly heard static, confused it was my earpiece! Completely forgetting about it, I heard over the microphone, Cole's voice.

"Kai where are you? You've completely disappeared off our digital map and your tracker stopped beeping, are you okay? Contact us if you're still there". Hearing it cut out, Morro approached me slowly, causing me to carefully step back in response.

"Go to them Kai, I'll see you later, oh and consider that deal of ours, cya". Once Morro had psychically disappeared, I'd quickly sprinted for a more crowded area, hoping that would spark my tracker back to life.

Halting in a more crowded suburb, what was I doing? I didn't want them to find me, Nya lied and that's how I ended up in that situation. Enraged, I'd realised being out in public wasn't a safe move on my behalf. Slowly moving forward, inch by inch, no one had noticed my presence, not once.

"What now? Should I sprint for the desert of terror? No that'll be too obvious, maybe I'll give defeat". I thought to myself, deciding to head over for an isolated bench. Time to wait now , fun.

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