Chpt 12 - control

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Kai's POV (Mind) -
Arms outstretched, sinking rapidly in an endless abyss of darkened water, it seems I've completely slipped from control,the Oni finally has my body, making me utterly helpless. Unable to breathe, bubbles began to disappear, as I'd slowly descended into an eternal sleep.

Oni POV -
Tightly applying unnecessary pressure to my temples, my bloodlust wouldn't settle down, it had become completely uncontrollable. Breathing rapidly, something wasn't right, it felt as if there was another controlling Kai's body, but who? Thinking of multiple possibilities, none came to mind, except one, Morro, Master of Wind.

"I see" I'd muttered, only to myself, now that explains everything.

Cautiously stepping, inch by inch, my main target was the elevator, however that's when THEY decided to show, great.

Watching the remainder of the group approach me slowly, this should be a lot of fun, unfortunately Morro decided to ruin all my plans of bloodshed. Slamming both human hands onto my temple, pained screams began erupting out of my inner core, as my body began overheating excessively fast, not good. This much power and Kai will definitely become non existent, I got to stop this.

Sprinting straight for the remainder of Kai's friend group, they began immediately springing backwards, damnit!

"Wait!"I'd hissed, showing that I'm not a threat anymore, instead Morro was the villain here.

Jay's POV -
Halting immediately, did the Oni speak to us formerly? That's unusual. Turning to face his direction, the Oni slowly held up all four arms, showing defeat.

"Jay? Am I right? I'm sincerely sorry about hurting your friends, there's something you need to know". Arms crossed, liar.

Noticing Nya completely disappeared, Wu and Garmadon glared at each other before whispering secretly, I see, they don't trust me anymore. "Alright Oni! State your business, otherwise, I'll kill you myself" I chuckled, good now I've got everyone's attention, Nya I hope you know what you're doing.

Zane's POV -
Staring aimlessly beyond the monastery wall, legs crossed, I made sure to sit directly next to Lloyd to make sure he was alright. Breathing calmly, Cole slowly approached me, so returning the eye contact, I'd noticed he seemed saddened.

"Zane... Nya's going to kill Kai, I-I heard Jay whispering to her about it, what should we do?". He asked, sniffling in the process, poor Cole, me and him were alike, deeply concerned for Kai and unsure how to help him.

Quickly standing in an instant, Cole still sadly stared at me intensely. Placing a hand of comfort, that seemed to bring back his smile, good.

"Listen we'll need to act quickly, otherwise it'll be too late, we must rush for the Underground immediately!". I insisted, thankfully Cole had already begun bolting it, so I hurriedly followed after.

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