Chpt 14 - Stronger Bonds

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Kai's POV -
Completely confused on my location, there was an agonising pain radiating throughout my entire body. Shakily sitting up, a pained scream uncontrollably slipped out. Tightly clenching my chest, something didn't feel right, it was cold, dark, musty , silent as the night and I couldn't sense anyone, where am I?

"Hello?" I called out, 'snap' another sharp pain shot throughout my body, however it came from my lung, not good.

Painfully wailing extremely loud, I only hoped someone heard me, otherwise this could be the end for the Master of Fire.

Lloyd's POV -
Instinctively forcing my upper body up, something didn't feel right, faintly under me, I could hear awful pained screaming. Painfully forcing my entire body to stand, it became unstable but that wouldn't stop me! Because Ninja never quit! Especially it was similar to Kai's voice, that's never good.

Possessed Nya's POV -
Grinning madly, hearing Kai's pained wailing from further away,indicated that my plan is finally set in motion, excellent, now time to slowly break him, piece by piece. 

Kai's POV -
Slowly trying to move any muscle, nothing. Breathing shakily, as I tried to summon a small fire, there was only a spark then poof, nothing happened.

"Come on Kai, think of something". I muttered to myself and the darkened atmosphere surrounding me, that's when an idea came to mind. "Become your Oni, it should be able to escape from the rubble.... That's crushing all my limbs...". Realising my situation, it's hopeless.

Harshly forcing my head backwards 'crack'. Screaming once again, louder than previously, I accidentally cracked my skull onto a jagged stone, why me!

Uncontrollably closing my eyelids, there was too much pain radiating throughout my body, even adrenaline was useless now, giving me no choice but to succumb to my unfortunate situation. Fading quicker than the speed of light, as I was near becoming completely unconscious, a small creak above my head became visible, I'd only hoped it was an ally not a foe.

Cole's POV -
Ignoring Zane's warnings, I didn't care! No one would hurt Kai anymore! I won't allow it! My brother has been through enough already, hell not even his body could regenerate at this stage, rendering him powerless.

Zane's POV -
Bolting after Cole without hesitation, as we slithered past the imposter, I'd noticed Nya's eyes were similar when Lloyd got possessed by Morro, not good, this whole situation has gone down hill and extremely fast too.

Jay's POV -
Silently chasing after both Zane and Cole, I couldn't stand back anymore, I've gotta help them and try to apologise to Kai for all my mistakes, I only hoped he would forgive me at least.

Kai's POV -
Faintly hearing muffled voices, upon opening my eyelids a little, there were about four silhouettes surrounding me, why? I thought I was only a monster to them, perhaps not.

Smiling weakly, I'd felt someone forcefully grabbing my wrist, yet it felt metallic, Zane?

"Kai! Thank goodness you're slowly awakening, we've managed to pull you out of the rubble, even though you're in severely dangerous condition, we'll protect you!" Hearing those words, they began swirling in my mind, on repeat, causing an seemingly endless stream of happy tears.

Steadying myself to stand, surprisingly Lloyd ended up carefully pushed my upper body up, bringing a warm smile on my face, it was good to see that they still see me as well myself, it felt comforting.

"Alright, inform me of the situation, what the hell is happening?". I asked, noticing everyone immediately  avoid eye contact. "Listen Kai, you won't like this but". Cole began however Jay finished it. "Nya's possessed by Morro, he's the true mastermind, not only that but this whole situation has been his doing".

Hearing those few words slip from Jay's mouth, caused immediate anger, that even my fist began clenching tightly, why Nya of all people! That means that deal was apart of Morro's plans! Oh that's it, no one messes with my family!

Angrily standing to full height, Lloyd tried pulling me back but I won't allow it! This meant battle! Roaring extremely loud, my Oni fire erupted, swirling around my entire body, I'll protect them! Even if it cost me my life!

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