Chpt 15 - Battle! Kai Vs Possessed Nya!

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Lloyd's POV -
Watching Kai foolishly rush straight for the imposter, it seems he was back to normal, always heading headfirst into battle without a second thought,however that'll make it harder to protect him.

Kai's POV -
Clenched fist raised high above my head, Nya, or should I say Morro, began grinning insanely, how dare him!

"YOU BETTER GET OUT OF MY SISTER NOW! OTHERWISE I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET EVERYTHING!". Screaming that, Morro didn't react, damnit! It seems it's going be a lot harder to make him break.

Inches away from knocking him through the damn wall at this stage, Morro smirked at my direction, then began speaking. "Hit me and your precious sister will be the one you're inflicting pain onto, oh and Kai~ don't forever our deal". Hearing those few words, rage erupted into an uncontrollable whirlpool, because how dare he! Turning the tables on me like that! Now it's on!

Skylor's POV -
Eventually exiting the ninjas elevator, I'd immediately noticed Kai slumped over, blood pouring down his chin, as Morro was standing high and mighty in front. Teeth bared in an instant , as one foot inched forward, Cole surprisingly came out of nowhere and built a reinforced rock wall, shielding Kai, then Zane rushed over, kneeling to Kai's aid as well and Jay stood angrily behind Kai with Lloyd at his side.

Kai's POV -
Painfully kneeled down, great now I not only have a punctured kidney and Lung, one of my vital organs got caught in the Crossfire, meaning there was no chance of survival now. Sadly staring blankly at the smooth concrete flooring, tears slowly drizzled down my blood stained cheeks, why me of all ninja? This was ridiculous, I'd only wished this day was over with, either by being killed or freeing Nya.

"Thank you guys but". Stopping to painfully stand, which only caused more agonising pain, that wasn't important. "But I'm finishing this myself, If I make it out of this horrendous situation, I'll treat all of you to some Chen's noodles". Grinning happily, unfortunately Lloyd, Cole, Zane and Jay all looked extremely infuriated , not good.

"Kai this is no time for noodles! You're life is frail and most importantly, one more transformation and you're body will completely disintegrate!". Snapped Zane, who had his arms crossed like a disappointed parent.

Huffing to myself, ridiculous, I mean personally I appreciated all their help but this was a personal matter now, meaning they should stay out.

Slowly inching forward, every muscle was so extremely stiff I couldn't move high speeds anymore, meaning this fight should be a short one, especially the Oni will be no help.

Skylor's POV -
Kneeled on a piece of metal foundation, keeping a safe distance, I'd noticed Kai approaching Morro, yet he was awfully slow, why is he forcing himself? He'll get himself killed at this rate.

Wu's POV -
Staring helplessly, I'd knew instinctively Kai would want to fight alone as usual, except in his condition, he'll need more force than his frail and damaged body.

Garmadon's POV -
Crossing both arms tightly, sweat slowly dripped down my temple, it concerned me deeply why he was fighting alone, when he should use more force than himself, this is going to be a quick fight.

Lloyd's POV -
Angrily frowning my brows, why was Kai acting so selfish! He won't be able to take the Master Of Wind without killing himself! Wanting to intervene, Zane unfortunately outstretched his arm, blocking my way.

"Lloyd, this is Kai's fight, especially Morro has possessed his sister, causing a severe amount of psychical pain, we shouldn't intervene, even if it does get brutal out there".

Scoffing to myself, how stupid! Kai clearly needed our help, yet here we all are, watching from a distant, sending him to a quick death.

Cole's POV -
Watching in suspense, I began to unintentionally bite the corner of my lip, knowing damn well Kai needed us, because if it wasn't for my reinforced rock wall, Kai would've gained more fractures and broken bones, not because he's weak but because he was severely damaged.

Jay's POV -
Painfully staring at Kai get thrown around like a helpless rag doll, my mind racing as my entire body began to tremble in horror. Unable to look away once, Kai couldn't even land a hit on Morro, meaning he has no chance, however we can't get involved, which caused a spark to ignite within my core.

Foolishly escaping the safe zone, Morro immediately noticed my presence but I didn't care, Kai needed me! Forcefully slamming lightning at Morro, he surprisingly got thrown further away then excepted, good.

Forcing my knees to the concrete flooring, I carefully grabbed Kai's wrist, trying to find any sign of life or a pulse. Moving my thumb gently around his wrist, nothing. Shakily breathing, before I was aware a blood curling scream finally broke free.

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