Chpt 6 - Breaking Point

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Kai's POV -

Standing motionless middle of the courtyard in the monastery , with arms crossed, Nya stood a safe distance away from me, glaring at me intensely.

"Explain yourself, Nya, why lie and say Lloyd was at the docks, when in reality he was here, unaware of this?". I questioned, making sure to firmly stand my ground, I will not give defeat!

"Sorry brother, you're always relying on Lloyd, why not the rest of us? We're family too you know, besides you ALWAYS lie to not only me but to everyone, if you want to gain our trust, tell us what's really happening". Nya insisted, yet she won't get very far, especially I'll make sure to keep myself headstrong at all time.

"Oh Nya, don't bother like I'll ever tell YOU of all people the truth". Stop it "you're a failure" no why is all this word vomit pouring out, please stop "you're powerless".

Hating myself more than usual, Nya wasn't upset, she only had pure hatred plastered all over her delicate face, which severely ached my heart.

"Thanks Kai, if that's how you truly feel, fine, I'll leave you alone, you won't ever have to see my face again, happy!". She snapped, tears only now beginning to pour down her cheeks.

Reaching a shaky hand towards her direction, something suddenly forcefully bent my arm backwards, yet it felt metallic? Screaming loudly in pain, a quiet males voice spoke up... but why did it sound like Zane?

"Kai I'm sorry to go to such lengths but you've caused enough damage, we've all agreed that you should leave, unless if you stay, we'll leave you alone". Getting consume by pain it became unbearable in my right shoulder, feeling if I make one wrong move Zane would completely dislocate my shoulder or maybe possibly break it.

"Release my arm Zane"'I pleaded, unfortunately he had zero sympathy for me, what a joke, all of this!

Shakily becoming unstable, this wasn't the time for losing my cool, I have to remain calm, otherwise that'll prove them I'm only a monster.

"What is happening out here you three!". Sensei Wu snapped, coming out of the shoji doors with Lloyd, Jay and Cole steadily following behind.

Feeling extreme relief, Zane didn't release my arm once, why though? That's when it happened. "Zane do it". Unable to think of possible outcomes what she meant, an unforgettable 'snap' broke out into the atmosphere.

Lloyd's POV -
Screaming with pure hatred, I'd watched Zane snap Kai's arm like it was nothing, no effect made, what the hell did we walk into!? Breathing heavily, Wu placed his staff towards our direction, blocking any of us from being able to interfere.

"Zane inside now, Nya you too, Lloyd, Jay and Cole attend to Kai's broken arm". Hearing Wu stop talking in an instant, fear took over his entire face, what now?

Glancing towards Kai's direction, there he stood, broken arm dangling, utterly useless to him. Heart shattered, Nya and Zane didn't dare cross us three paths, instead they took another route, good riddance.

Kai's POV -
Shakily breathing, broken arm dangling helplessly, this can't be happening, none of this felt real. Tears swelling, heart pounding harshly, I felt broken, betrayed and upset.

"L-Lloyd... what's happening to m-me". I unintentionally stuttered, something deep within me beginning to erupt.

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