Chpt 13 - The True Mastermind

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Oni's POV -
Getting struck by unknown lightning, what a pathetic move! Riled up, ready to fight for survival, that's when I'd realised, Jay disappeared without leaving a trace,however, I could still feel his aura nearby.

Head titled, all four arms outstretched, it's a battle then! See who'll come out stronger, or worse severely injured, of course that won't be me, unless Morro intervenes.

"Kai enough of this nuisance, don't hurt Jay! Don't succumb to him!". Ignoring Wu's warning, why should I listen to an old man!

Fist clenched, stepping my commanding foot forward, as I forcefully expanded my lungs, I began screaming at Jay, trying to enrage him further. "JAY YOU ARE NOT A NINJA! YOU ARE MERELY A ROACH! HELL NOT EVEN NYA LOVES".

unable to continue, something sharp yet drenched in poison collided with my left shoulder, good, Jay seems to have a strong fighting spirit within himself.

Zane's POV -
Harshly stumbling forward, Cole quickly caught me mid stumble, thankfully there was no floor colliding today. Breathing calmly, Cole seemed frantic, I wonder why?

Suddenly hearing an unforgettable scream of agonising pain, my head uncontrollably followed its direction , wondering who made such a horrendous sound. Tensing up , It was Jay, kneeled down, smiling as blood constantly spurted out from a wound, presumably his shoulder but why where him and Kai fighting? It doesn't seem right.

"Cole... do.not.intervene". I mumbled, trying not to draw any unwanted attention.

Cole's POV -
Nodding subtly, instinctively my fist began clenching tightly, why where they fighting? It doesn't make sense, unless Nya commanded Jay too, that would then make sense. Unintentionally inching forward, Zane immediately outstretched his arm, halting me right away.

Jay's POV -
I didn't understand why Nya was SO desperate to see Kai's Oni capabilities, especially why sacrifice me, am I just a simple pawn? Clenching my severely wounded shoulder, even though my electricity returned, no way I'd use it on Kai, that'll be unforgivable.

Morro's POV
Kneeling lower, glaring at my hand, water swirled around calmly, good the possession lasted this long, it's all according to my plan!

"Use Nya as Kai's breaking point, convince Kai to a deal then I've got a powerful leashed Oni, allowing me to rule over Ninjago, perfect, unfortunately he's grown more attached to some of them, that shouldn't matter". I whispered to myself, however now time for my final part of the plan.

Oni's POV -
Sensing zero hostility from Jay, it was odd, this doesn't seem right, wait.... That's when it hit me, the mastermind is....

Zane's POV -
Starting helplessly as Kai's body get thrown further away in a single punch, strangely enough his attacker was... NYA! Jaw dropping, as a human would say, this was unbelievable, why her of all people, surely not, right?

Cole's POV -
Infuriated,why would Nya attack her own flesh and blood! It isn't right! Something definitely is different especially about her whole aura, it seemed darker than usual.

Wu's POV -
Steadily balancing on my staff, something wasn't right about Nya, her aura was oddly similar to... Morro's. That's impossible, unless the Overlord brought him back from the departed realm, no that can't be right, can it?

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