Fetty and y/n third date

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Fetty pov: y/n and me are getting closer to each other tonight is our third date I really like this girl so does my son for the past two dates my baby mama keeps calling me to take baby zoo I mean that's my son and but something is up as I'm getting ready my phone vibrated I picked up it was my baby mom I sare this bitch is getting on my nerves.

Fetty: yes lee
Fetty baby mom: can you watch baby zoo tonight?
Fetty: man come on why the fuck you can't watch him I mean I love my son and all but is this going to be a daily thing?
Fetty baby mom: I got shit to do Fetty
Fetty: I do too lee I will pick baby zoo up in 5min have him ready
Fetty baby mom: ok

I hanged up the phone I sare she's up to something anyways I got done got dress looked at the mirror and went out the door to my car. Drove to get baby zoo first then y/n. I know it's short but I'm at school and I was busy so I will update later

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