Fuck u fetty

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Tiara: it's been a week since me and August went on a break so I went to fetty house and pour gasoline on his lawn and lit that shit and got in the car and drove off I knew fetty was knocked out by time he try's to wake up his not gonna wake up he will be dead that's what he gets for fucking with me and August. I was on my way home when August called me.
Me: yes August
August: where you at?
Me: I went out why
August: come over
Me: alright
I was driving when I saw fire trucks going to fettys house I laugh cause his already dead I was 10 mins away from August house so I called him.
Me: August open the door
August: alright

5 mins later August open the door with tears in his eyes

Me: what's wrong August
He pull me into a hug
August: I love you tiara I'm so sorry for calling you out your name can you come home?
Tiara: it's ok and yeah I'm coming home she kissed August.
They talked for a while and tiara wentnhe and packed and move back to August.

There's the update
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