Y/n and fetty last date

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Y/n pov: it's been a month me and fetty been going out on dates his son always comes with us his so cute so tonight me fetty and baby are going to go to the movies I really like fetty he makes me feel special. I'm laying on the couch watching tv bored so I decided to see what fetty is up to.
Me: hey fetty what you up to?
Fetty pov: I'm in my bed sleeping when my phone vibrated I thought it was lee but when I looked at it it was y/n
Bae😘😍💋👑: hey fetty what you up to?
Me: nothing just woke up and you?
Y/n: as I was about to get up and start my shower fetty Texted me back
My king👑❤️💍: nothing just woke up and you?
Me: nothing about to get in the shower can't wait to see you tonight😊.
My king👑❤️💍: oh can I join lol sike nah and me either I got something to ask you tonight too 😉
Me: and what is that?
My king👑❤️💍: you have to wait and see 😘
Me: ok so what time you coming to pic me up?
My king 👑 ❤️💍: is 7 ok?
Me: yes
My king 👑 ❤️ 💍: ok I will see you then
Me: ok
After I texted fetty I got up and went to the shower I came out 45mins later I put my gold shirt that said his main with black pants put my black and gold heels with my gold earrings and I put my hair in a nice bum I grab the keys to my black and gold Lamborghini and drove to mc Donald's
I order my food and order for fetty too he didn't know I was going to take him breakfast as I drove I seen this women with baby zoo I think it was fetty baby mom yelling at this guy
Lee: man you know this child is yours don't Denied our child
Man: you told me it was fettys child
Lee: I told you That cause I was chasing him for his money
Man: man whatever lee
Y/n: as the man left I couldn't help but cry baby zoo means so much to fetty and if he finds out baby zoo isn't his he will be crushed. As I got out the car with the food I called fetty
Me: fetty open the door I'm coming up
Fetty: ok hold up
A few mins later fetty open the door with tears in his eyes
Me: what's wrong fetty?
Fetty: baby zoo might not be mines
Me: how the fuck he knows? How you know that fetty?
Fetty: I put a walkie talky in baby zoo bag
Me: awww I'm sorry fetty but you going to get a Dna test?
Fetty: hell yeah

As we got done talking and eating I told fetty I had to go shopping for something to wear tonight I gave him a hug and left


Fetty pov: I'm at y/n with baby zoo waiting for y/n to hurry up and come down stairs 20 mins later here comes y/n coming down with a beautiful red dress it fits her so nicely. She was sexy

Y/n: ready to go?
Fetty: yea let me open that door for you as she walk towards the door I couldn't help but look at her ass mami had an ass for days she handed me her keys and I locked the door. I opened the door for her to get in the car then I put baby zoo in the car seat and go to the driver side and started the care we was at the movie theater and we order our snack we went to watch furious 7 after two hours we went back to the car I took baby zoo home he was sleep and y/n and I went back to her place to finish our last date we got to y/n and I open her door and we sat at the couch

Me: did you enjoined your self?
Y/n: yes I did
Me: that's good well y/n remember earlier when I told you I wanted to tell you something?
Y/n: yeah?
Me: well you we known each other for 6 months and I think it's time for me to ask you will you be my girl?
Y/n: yes fetty I will be your girl 😀

Well there you have it next chapter will take you two years into there life's will baby zoo be fettys? Stay tune

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