The engagement ring

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Fetty pov: so I'm in the jewelry store looking for a engagement I found a beautiful gold with white 14k ring like I will do anything for my baby anyways I asked the jeweler how much is it and he told me its 22 grand so I paid it off and choose a matching box with it I was headed home when y/n called me
Y/n: baby where are you
Fetty: I went to go get something to eat want anything?
Y/n : what place?
Fetty: Wendy's
Y/n: bring me a burger and fries
Fetty: ok baby I will see you when I get home
Fetty had to lie to y/n cause he was still at the jewelry store anyways Fetty went to Wendy's and got his order and y/n then went home.
23 mins later
Fetty: baby
Y/n: I'm upstairs baby
Fetty went upstairs and gave y/n her food
Fetty: after you done I want you to take a shower and get dress we going out to dinner tonight
Y/n: how about the kids?
Fetty: we can drop them off at my moms house
Y/n: ok
Fetty called red lobster for reservations and called his mom after that he left to go see Monty for a suit they went shopping and found a suit then Fetty went to his house and took a shower

20 mins later Fetty and y/n went to drop Leanna and baby zoo off there grandmama house.

Then they arrived at red lobster and met with the waiter
Fetty: I have reservations for Fetty wap?
Waiter: oh yes follow me sir
Fetty and y/n follow the waiter to there table
Fetty grab y/n chair and she sat

Fetty: so baby how was your day?
Y/n: it's was ok I was playing with the kids and cleaning the house how was yours?
Fetty: mines was good but I got to ask you something
Fetty got on one knee and pulled the ring box and took the ring out
Fetty: y/n y/m y/l will you marry me
Y/n was speechless for 3 mins
Y/n: yes Fetty I will marry you
The whole night was perfect and they couldn't wait to break the news to family and friends

There you have it next chapter is where Fetty have a cook out where him and y/n announced there engagement 😍😍
The ring is on the media

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