The dinner reception

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Y/n pov:it's the day of the reception and me and Tina are setting how the room is going to look like fetty was with baby zoo getting his tuxedo and I have Leanna I decided that our reception should be blue and brown I didn't like purple that much anyways me and Tina were talking about tulips and the colors of them
Tina: so I've been thinking y/n white will go with everything.
Y/n: I was thinking too like white tulips are beautiful
Tina: yea they are ok so for the bridesmaids what color they wearing?
Y/n: they are wearing white with gold since Fetty is wearing white with gold.
Tina: ok are you wearing cream or white?
Y/n: white since everything is white
Tina: ok how about the food for tonight?
Y/n: my family is from the south and fetty family is from Haiti I wanted to mix both cultures.
Tina: ok I will order two chefs and how many people are coming?
Y/n:500 people
Tina: that's a lot of people y/n
Y/n: I know but that's family
Tina: ok well I have to go I have to make some calls
Y/n: ok I will see you later
Tina: ok
So y/n went to buy a dress for tonight and brought fetty And baby zoo a tux and baby Leanna a matching dress
2 Hours later
Me and fetty arrived at the restaurant all our family was there
Y/n dad: hey sweetie
Y/n: hey daddy where's mom?
Y/n dad: she didn't want to come she had plans
Y/n: selfish bitch
Y/n dad: listen y/n I know you and your mom had problems but don't call her that
Y/n didn't want to argue so she stood quite
Y/n: ok dad enjoy your self
Five minutes later y/n mom came with 10 of y/n uncles and aunts they all were strap ready to fight
Y/n: what the fuck is this mom?
Y/n mom: don't worry about it

One of y/n uncles grab fetty and pull him to the side
Y/n uncle: so I heard you rape my niece
Fetty was clueless to what y/n uncle said
Fetty: what you talking about?
When fetty asked that y/n uncle punch him in the jaw
Fetty: let that go and tried to walk away it was the day before the wedding and he didn't want to catch a case but y/n uncle slam him towards a table everyone started screaming y/n was in the bathroom with baby Leanna when Tina came in and told her that her mom came with guys y/n gave Tina Leanna and went out to see fetty on the floor with blood and her uncle with a gun to fetty face

Y/n: what the fuck?
Y/n mom: stay out of it y/n
Y/n: yall have to leave before I call the cops
y/n mom: you aren't going to do shit y/n
Y/n: get out of here now
Y/n went to her purse and grab her gun as soon as she pulled it out her mom and uncles left.
Y/n went out side and talked to her mom
Y/n: what the fuck was you thinking mom
Y/n mom: i don't want you to marry that nasty ass nigga
Y/n: I don't care if you don't I love him so back off
Y/n uncle: your mom told us he raped you
Y/n was so mad she punch her mom dead in the face
Y/n: next time you want to lie let me know
With that y/n went back inside to check on fetty.
Y/n: you ok baby?
Fetty: yeah but your mom is a mess
Y/n: I'm so sorry baby
Fetty: it's ok

Everybody went home cause the reception was ruin
So what you guys think?
Can't believe y/n mom did that
Poor fetty 😔😔😔😔
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