A month later

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Y/n pov: we came back from Puerto Rico me and fetty had so much fun but it had to end soon cause I miss my baby Leanna.
I'm downstairs feeding Leanna food yes my baby is 12 months and eating like a big baby☺️ fetty went to buy some Chinese food
20 mins later
Fetty: bae I'm home
Y/n: baby!!!!!!! She jumps on fetty
Fetty: damn baby I just went to go get some food.
Y/n: I know
So y/n grab the food out of fetty hand and set it on plates while fetty was getting the drinks
Fetty: so baby how was your first day back?
Y/n: it was good spend it with Leanna
Fetty: where's baby zoo?
Y/n: with your mom
Fetty: oh

Meanwhile at fettys moms house
Fetty mom: baby zoo stay where you are
Baby zoo: ok grandma
Fetty mom went to the kitchen to make dinner for the family when the door bell rang she went and opened it.
Fetty mom: lee what the fuck you doing here?
Lee hit Fetty mom with a baseball bat in the head and took baby zoo.

At Fetty house

Y/n pov: I'm calling Fetty mom but she don't answer the phone Fetty went to the studio so I decided to call him
*Phone rings*
Fetty: hello?
Y/n: baby I called your mom but she doesn't pick up the phone
Fetty: that's not like my mom y/n get ready and have baby Leanna ready too I'm coming to pick yall.
Y/n: ok
Fetty pov: I left the studio and headed to the car when my phone rang
(Phone conversation)
Fetty: hello?
Fettys uncle Marcus: hey Fetty
Fetty: hey uncle Marcus what's up?
Uncle Marcus: I'm at your moms house
Fetty: is she ok?
Uncle Marcus:I'm sorry to say this but your mom just passed away she got hit with a baseball bat
Fetty: what? Where's baby zoo?
Uncle Marcus: somebody kidnap him
Fetty: I'm on my way
*end of conversation*
Fetty went to pick up y/n

Fetty: get the fuck in the car
Y/n: what's wrong baby?
Fetty: my mom got hit with a baseball bat and baby zoo is missing
Y/n: is mom ok?
Fetty: she died y/n
Y/n: 😢 I'm sorry baby
Fetty: don't be I will get whoever did this

Next time on trap life

Lee: Fetty thought I was gonna stay away from baby zoo lol nope and as for his mom hope she's dead her old ass needs to move on. Next is that stupid ass bitch y/n
There's you little taste of the next chapter
R.i.p to fettys mom 😢😢😢😢😢
Lee is a selfish bitch
I hope Fetty don't kill anybody
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Until next time 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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