Wedding day!!!!!! Part two

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Fetty pov: me and August was talking for a bit.
August: so how you met your fiancé?
Fetty: her name is y/n and I met her at the mall she had an attitude that's what I liked about her then we went on dates and she met my son zoo and two years later we had our baby girl Leanna and now we getting married.
August: aww I can't wait to meet your kids
Fetty: I know you gonna love Leanna
August: yea I have three nieces my self my brother got killed in 2010
(R.i.p Mel 😢😢😢😢)
Fetty: sorry about your lost
August: it's ok I'm doing this for him
Fetty: do you buddy
August and Fetty kept on talking people started to come in and took there seats Fetty left August to set up and went to the post.
*music started playing*
Baby zoo was the ring bear?(I think that's what they call it) and baby Leanna came down with fettys mom
Fetty started to tear up cause he saw his kids walking Down together
Fetty mom gave Fetty Leanna then y/n came down Fetty was in tears his future wife was beautiful in her dress.
Fetty: you look beautiful y/n
Y/n: thank you baby
Y/n saw Leanna and said
Y/n: you are the reason we are here your the best thing that ever happened to us
Leanna didn't understand y/n she just smile and that made y/n smile

The wedding was about to begin
Priest: we are here to gather for a blessing from heaven and join as a family blah blah blah
2mins later

Y/n and Fetty said there vows
Fetty put the ring in y/n finger and y/n did the same

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