Leanna suprise

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Fetty pov: I'm here at tiara and August they have a lovely home but I'm not here for that I'm here cause Leanna thinks she's grown and shit and thinks she's gonna own my trap house she crazy is hell she may be an alsina but she came out of my dick. I'm waiting for August to come home he doesn't know I'm alive but he will know today.
20 mins later

August pov: I arrived home I see tiara car in the drive way I guess she didn't went to work I turned my car off and close the car and grab my house keys and opened the front door.
August: bae?
Tiara: in the kitchen bae
August walked to the kitchen and saw Fetty August was shocked is fuck.
August: I thought he died?
Tiara and Fetty: nah we both plan a fake deal.
August: how?
Fetty: don't worry about it buddy I came to fix Leanna since she's giving y'all a hard time.
August: cool fix the baby problem too
Fetty: baby problem?
August: tiara didn't told you?
Fetty: I think idk
August: anyways I'm going to shower
Tiara: I have everything set up for you.
August: thanks baby
August went upstairs and took everything off and went to the shower meanwhile downstairs
Fetty: this is a nice place tiara
Tiara: thanks Fetty
They heard the front door opened
Tiara: that must me Leanna. Lela come here.
Leanna: fuck you want bitch
Fetty: who the fuck you think you talking to Lela
Leanna: who the fuck is you?
Fetty: Fetty fucking wap
Leanna: dad?
Fetty: yea dad fuck is wrong with you disrespecting your mom huh you better apologize to her. Before I fuck you up I'm not playing either.
Leanna: I'm not gonna do shit.
As soon as she said that Fetty straight smack her in the face.
Fetty: I know I wasn't here for 17 years but your not gonna disrespect your mother not in my watch. Now go to your room.
Leanna rolled her eyes and stump up the stairs. I'm sorry you had to see that tiara but you know how I am well I got to get going Fetty then walked to the front door and August came down and dap him.
Fetty: I will come back tomorrow if that's ok with you
August: that's fine
August let Fetty out and close the door.
August didn't hold no gurged towards Fetty they were cool and he wasn't mad at tiara

Well there you have it
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