Love me like you do.

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Tiara pov: it's been a week since Leanna gave birth to her twins I'm happy to be a grandma as for me and August we aren't connected like we use to I would go out more and August is always in the house with Leanna I've been talking to fetty behind August back I really don't care I love fetty. I'm on my way to a hotel me and fetty are having sex again his dick game is strong tho better than August. I got out the bathroom and put lotion and got dress curled my hair and grab my bag and phone August came to the room.
August: where you going?
Tiara: going to the club with my girls
August: dam again tiara you have been doing that since Leanna came home.
Tiara: ant nobody told her ass to fuck your brother.
What tiara doesn't know that August and Leanna fucked while she was at work.
August: your cold tiara real cold smh
Tiara: man whatever August I'm leaving cause I'm going to be late.
August: bye tiara.
Tiara: order something to eat cause I didn't cook shit.
August was gonna smack her but hold back and said ok. Tiara left and August went to Leanna room.
August pov: I sare tiara is about to find out the truth that Leanna twins are mines if she keeps playing with me man I don't care cause I love Leanna and I want her. I know what your thinking but August you had sex with tiara and is dating her? Well I love tiara but there's something about Leanna that amaze me about her. Anyways I'm walking to Leanna room I opened the door.
August: hey the baby is sleeping?
Leanna: yeah where's mom?
August: she left again and we have to order again but I want to take you out to eat
Leanna: ok let me get ready can you dress the kids while I shower?
August: sure anything for my kids.
Meanwhile at fetty house

Fetty pov: I'm at home and heard a knock on my door I knew it was tiara so I went and open the door.
Tiara: hey baby (she kisses fetty lips)
Fetty: hey baby come in.fetty step aside to let tiara in she sat in the couch while fetty got them something to drink he can back with champagne and two glasses he gave tiara one and opened the champagne and pour it into the glass.

Two hours later

Sex scene

Tiara: (moans) oh fetty faster baby faster
Fetty was beating the shit out tiara they switched positions and tiara got on top and started to ride fetty. They fucked for two hours and then tiara fell asleep on fetty chest.
Tiara: I love you baby
Fetty: I love you too baby girl.
They fell asleep.
Meanwhile at the restaurant
August and Leanna was enjoying themselves.
Leanna: so ummm what do you think when my mom finds out about us?
Before August said anything the paparazzi came rushing in and taking pictures and asking questions. August grab Leanna and the twins and ran to the car they strap the twins and Leanna got in the passenger side of the car and August got in the driver side and rush home.
August: shit I think your mom is about to find out tomorrow.
Leanna: fuck man she said while laying back.
They got to the house Leanna went to settle the kids down and went to the bathroom and took a shower and layed on the bed thinking of the worse tomorrow won't be pretty after her mom see everything on the media.
The next day
Tiara pov: I woke up fetty was sleeping so I decided to cook breakfast for the both of us as usual I get up go to the bathroom do my hygiene and put on one of fetty shirts as I was getting ready to cook I turn the tv on to the morning show when the entertainment show came on.

Host: good morning everyone this is the morning show entertainment show. Today we have some tea on the famous RnB singer August Alsina. We spotted August with a young lady at a restaurant last night in this picture they seem to be holding hands we aren't sure if tiara August girlfriend knows about this but if she does he got a lot of explaining to do. Anyways that's your gossip about your favorite artist see you next time.
Tiara was pissed off when she saw August holding hands with Leanna. Fetty came downstairs and seen tiara mad is fuck.
Fetty: what's wrong baby?
Tiara: Leanna is dating August.
Fetty: what?
Tiara: yeah
Fetty: I'm going to.....

To be continued

Ok tiara and fetty are fucking around.
Tiara saw Leanna and August together on the tv.
That sex scene tho 😝💦💦💦
What is tiara gonna do?
Fetty is about to kill August
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Once again thank yall for the love and support I really appreciate it 😘😍💯

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