Baby leanna scare

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Y/n pov: it's been 2 weeks since the fight it's been crazy lee came to my house twice wanting round two yeah I beat her ass fetty got a restraining order on both his cousin and lee and as for my mom she cut all ties with me oh well that's one last person to worry about. Anyways I'm here in my room feeding baby Leanna when she started choking.

Y/n: Leanna baby you ok?
Baby Leanna didn't respond so y/n scream for fetty he came running up the stairs
Fetty: baby what's wrong?
Y/n: Leanna is choking
Fetty saw Leanna Turning blue he grab Leanna and told y/n to meet him in the hospital
Fetty skip every red light to get in the hospital
Fetty: someone help my baby girl won't breathe
A nurse came running towards Fetty and took Leanna mins later y/n came with baby zoo with Leanna bags
Y/n: baby is she ok
Fetty: idk they took her to the back
The doctor came back

The family of Leanna wap?

Y/n &Fetty: that's us
Doctor: hi I'm taking care of Leanna today
Y/n: how's my baby doctor?
Doctor: she's ok she just choke on milk she was dehydrated so she was drinking to fast you can go back and go see her

Y/n ran to Leanna and hold her

Y/n: I'm so sorry baby I love you so much
Leanna is 5 months now her picture is on the media
Anyways back to the story

Fetty came back to see Leanna and smile when Leanna smiled at him
Fetty: aww your so beautiful Lela (Lela is her nickname)
Y/n: I thought I was gonna loose my baby
Fetty: well she is a wap baby
Y/n: true
After a day in the hospital they let Leanna go
Fetty house

Y/n: I'm so tired baby
Fetty: go ahead and go to bed I will put Leanna in her crib
Y/n: thank you baby

Y/n went to bed and Fetty went to put both baby zoo and Leanna to bed and then went to bed

There you have it shout out to JaylaHenderson for asking for another chapter hope you like it sweet heart 😊😊😊😊

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