Chapter 2

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Hoony cuts the engine of his truck and the both of us jump out. The streets are lined with cars, causing us to park a few blocks away from the party. Even from here we can hear the thumping of the music from the frat house, the party in full swing.

Eventually, we make it to the large house and walk up the steps that are littered with people trying to get in. The house is jam packed with people almost shoulder to shoulder, even with a number of people occupying the front and back yard. After fighting our way through the front door, Hoony and I make our way to the kitchen after being intercepted by a handful of people wanting to stop us to chat, and we grab two beers that are poured into red solo cups lined up along the counter.

"Yo, Manoban!" I hear someone yell, and I turn my head to see Bambam, the wide receiver from our team, waving me over. He's hard to miss in his favourite olive green button up shirt that complements his tanned skin and bright hazel eyes. He claims that his favourite shirt gets him laid more often than not.

Pushing through the crowd, I make my way to the dining room where the beer pong tables are lined up.

"Be my partner?" Bambam asks with a hopeful smile, tilting his head towards the tables.

"Sure thing." I down the beer in my cup, ready to play. "Who are we up against?"

He jerks his chin towards two guys standing in the corner. One, I recognise is from the baseball team and the other I don't recall ever seeing before, but he's a total preppy frat boy.

"At least give me a challenge," I scoff, causing Bambam to laugh.

"That's my pal! Let's do this, Manoban."

Not even ten minutes later, I send the ball flying, sinking it into the last cup, solidifying our win. Cheers ring out and Bambam claps me on the back before pumping his fists victoriously in the air.

"They don't call you the beer pong champ for nothing!" Bambam yells, excitedly shaking my shoulders. He picks up two of the other teams remaining cups on our end of the table, handing one to me. He clinks his red solo cup to mine in cheers, tossing the alcohol back shortly after.

Just as the cup hits my lips, a small, delicate hand wraps around the plastic, fingers brushing mine, pulling it from my grasp. I look down to see Somi with my cup in her hand, smirking devilishly over the rim before tossing back the liquid herself. Wolf whistles fill the air along with some hollers, Somi looking very pleased with herself.

She's in a skin tight, strapless black dress that leaves little to the imagination. Her heels are tall and strappy while her makeup is bold and edgy, her eyeshadow smoky and lips painted a dark red. I grab her waist, pulling her flush against my body. "I believe that was my drink." I say lowly, peering into her piercing green eyes.

"Oops." She tries to feign innocence, biting her lower lip and batting her dark lashes. Standing on her tiptoes, she whispers huskily into my ear. "I can make it up to you later."

I growl lowly, my fingers flexing into her skin possessively. "Or you can make it up to me now." I challenge.

She grins. "Slow your roll, hot stuff. I just got here. At least get me another drink and dance with me first." she says, already squirming out of my hold before grabbing my hand and leading me to the dance floor.

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