Chapter 34

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"Damn, Tasmanian Devil." Hoony comments, lying on his bed. He stops throwing his football up in the air and catching it, hugging it to his chest. "What's got you all riled up?"

"Don't start." I grumble, snapping open my dresser drawer and pulling out a pair of gym shorts and a muscle tank.

His brows pinch together. "What crawled up your ass and died?"

Wordlessly, I change clothes and shove my Air Pods into my ears, turning the volume all the way up to max.

"Wow, I love this song!" Hoony yells out just to be a dick, bobbing his head to the beat.

I flip him off and grab a water from the fridge.

"Love you, too!" he yells just before I slam the door in his face.

I take a few laps around campus, needing to blow off some steam. Once my calves and lungs are burning, I stop at the gym on the south side of campus. Scanning my student ID, I walk in past the front desk and go over to the weights. Finding an empty bench press, I load on the weights accordingly and take a seat, reclining back. Gripping the bar, I ease the weight off the rack and do a couple of reps before placing the bar back with a clank.

Sitting up, I take a few breaths, lifting the bottom of my tank to wipe my brow that's peppered with sweat. Reaching down, I find my water bottle, taking a few swigs as I scan the gym, people watching. Out of my peripheral, I catch a flash of neon pink. I turn my head to see Sasha Song sashaying over to the row of treadmills, her high bleach blonde ponytail swinging behind her. She's dressed in all hot pink gym attire; leggings, sports bra, tennis shoes, and even her water bottle is pink. She looks like a living, breathing Barbie. Fake tan included.

I watch as she hops onto a treadmill, working her way up to a jog. While her leggings are a bit too loud, I have to admit, they look fan-fucking-tastic on her, shaping her ass and legs perfectly.

My mind wonders to Jennie and how great she would look in a pair. Maybe not hot pink because I doubt she'd ever wear that colour, but I could picture her in a soft powder blue pair, her favourite colour. Now that fall has started, Jennie's occasionally been wearing black leggings recently. Hers fit a little less scandalous, and usually she has them paired with a long sweater or cardigan, so you can hardly see her shape. She doesn't even wear shapely, skin tight jeans, but I can tell she has a body under her conservative clothing. She just doesn't like to show it off.

After fantasising about Jennie in those tight ass leggings, my mind even took a detour to her in my jersey for a bit, I find myself back down on the bench. Worked up, I pump out as many reps as I can, still not feeling satisfied or settled.

I let out a growl of frustration, setting the bar back into place with wobbly arms. Irritated, I get up and walk over to the locker rooms, hoping a cold shower will do me some good and get my mind out of the gutter. Passing the girls locker room, I run smack dab into An Yu-jin. Literally. Her petite body collides with mine, and I nearly bulldoze her over. I must not have seen her due to the height difference, that and the sheer fact that I probably wasn't paying any attention.

"Oh!" Yu-jin lets out a startled noise, stumbling a few steps back. She opens her mouth, probably to curse me out, but quickly closes it when she realises that it's me. Her eyes dance with excitement. "Hi, Lisa."

"Uh, sorry, Yu-jin." I reply lamely, trying to skirt around her.

"Long time no chat." she says, placing a hand on my bicep and flashing me a flirtatious smile. She tucks a strand of dark blonde hair behind her ear that fell out of her bun.

You mean long time no fuck, I think.

I've hooked up with Yu-jin once or twice at some random frat party over the years. From what I remember, she was a good lay, but we've never really talked.

Come to think of it, I haven't had sex in over a month. Probably a record for me, I think. The last time that I hooked up with someone was after the first anatomy test when I dragged Somi into that classroom and we had a quickie. Since then, nothing. I've been too busy with football and my tutoring lessons with Jennie.

Beyond sexually frustrated and needing a fix, I look down at Yu-jin who is already giving me bedroom eyes. Dipping my head, I brush my lips up against the shell of her ear. "Do you really want to chat?" I ask, my voice low and suggestive.

I pull back to see her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. She shakes her head, biting back a smile. "Not really."

I grab her hand and walk over to the large spin class room, the lights out with no activity whatsoever. Reading the schedule posted on the wall, I realise there will be no classes for another two hours. Pushing open the door, Yu-jin happily follows me in and I flip the latch of the lock inside, ensuring our privacy.

I spin around, backing her up into a dark corner where no one will be able to see us. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist with ease. I press her up against the wall and she grips the back of my neck, pulling my lips to hers. Our lips crash together in a rough, desperate kiss.

She claws at the back of my tank, pulling it up and over my head, discarding it somewhere on the floor. Her hands settle on my chest while mine roam her body, a lot of skin already on display since she's only wearing some shorts and a sports bra.

Slowly, leisurely, torturously, I rut my still clothed hips against hers, building friction. A small moan comes from the back of her throat and I slide a hand up the nape of her neck, tugging at the roots of her hair. I imagine running my hands through long caramel locks, the sweet little sounds Jennie would make if she's in Yu-jin's position.

Holy hell.

Tugging at the roots of Yu-jin's hair, I angle her face more to the side, deepening the kiss. Her thighs tighten around my waist in a vice-like grip, and all I can seem to think about is when Jennie's thighs were pressed against my hips when I almost kissed her as she sat on the tailgate of the truck after the homecoming game. How good it felt. Even when it was innocent.

Fucking damnit.

Awareness tears through me like a bullet. All I can think about is Jennie. Suddenly, everything feels wrong. So, so wrong.

Breathless, I break away from the kiss and hastily drop Yu-jin to the floor where she safely lands on her feet. She looks up at me, giving me a 'WTF' look for stopping so abruptly.

"I can't, Yu-jin. I..." I fumble around, looking for my shirt. "I got to go." Guilt forms in the pit of my stomach. Finding my shirt, I pull it on and walk out of the gym, with my heart pounding.

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