Chapter 72

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The first day of the spring semester, I'm woken up by Hoony loudly stumbling into our room, dropping his bags on the floor before rifling through his desk, throwing things around and rushing back out the door to head to his first class.

In true Hoony fashion, he decided to come back from break at literally the very last minute, like he does every year. Since freshman year, he's always returned to campus on the first day of classes after winter break, waking up extremely early to endure a torturous three hour drive to make it back here just in time to get to class. I don't know how the guy does it, but on some level I feel like I should applaud him for it.

Awake now, I decide to get up before my alarm goes off to get ready, giving myself even more time to get ready given my broken leg. Only three more weeks to go with this damn chunk of plaster on my leg and then I'm free.

I carefully sit up in bed and gingerly swing my legs over the edge. Grabbing my crutches propped up against the nightstand, I lift myself up from the bed and glance around the room. It looks like a fucking tornado just ripped through. Hoony's duffle bags are haphazardly thrown on the floor next to his bed and half of his desk drawers are open, with their contents all strewn over the floor.

I sigh in aggravation, manoeuvring around all his shit to put some clothes on and get ready. After getting dressed, brushing my hair and teeth and applying some deodorant and cologne, I hobble back over to my desk where I already have all of my stuff packed and ready for class, thanks to my lovely girlfriend. On the short trip over, the bottom of my crutch lands on top of a folder and it nearly slips out from under me.

"Fucking Hoony. That idiot." I growl, bending over to pick up the folder. To my luck, all the papers spill out and fly all over the floor. Pissed, I throw the folder on his bed and angrily grab my desk chair, dragging it over to at least sit down to pick up the papers so I don't fall flat on my face trying to balance myself. Gathering up the papers, I realise that they are notes from our biology class last semester, the class code scribbled at the top corner of every page.

I observe the handwriting, determining that it's definitely not Hoony's. The handwriting is big, bubbly and legible. Yup, definitely not Hoony's. He hardly ever took notes in class, anyway. He must have pawned them off a girl in our class that has a massive crush on him to study for the final.

Reaching for another paper, I see a bunch of bird names highlighted as subtitles, several bullet points listed under each species. My eyes automatically find the finch and I can't help but smile reading the notes written down.

- Darwin's Theory of Evolution
- Differ in beaks, body size, and behaviour
- Quiet
- Social in their own groups
- Need other finches for stability and to thrive
- Live in large groups out in the wild and rarely migrate

I remember giving Jennie the nickname - Finch, at the beginning of last semester just because I thought she was sweet and quiet and never left her home town. But there's way more to her than that.

Sitting back, I now realise that most of the people around us are just finches living among other finches. Jennie and I found each other because we're one in the same. Richard and Monica found Jennie because they were all similar. Nayeon and Cora, we're all the same. Connected. While we all may differ physically and emotionally, we realise that we're all parallel. Just like finches, we thrive together. We lean on each other and understand one another.

When Jennie found me, I was a lonely and miserable individual. Polar opposites but somehow we naturally attracted each other. My life completely flipped when she walked into it, and now I realise that it's because we were just two finches that found each other, finding our niche.

I gather up the rest of Hoony's papers and throw them on his desk, my heart surprisingly happy. A soft knock comes from the other side of my door and I instantly know that it's Jennie. After a beat, she slowly opens the door and sticks her head in. "Ready?" she asks.

I can't help but smile. "Yeah, I'm ready, Finch." I shrug on my backpack and grab my crutches, hopping out the door.

She walks me to my first class, making sure that I get there alright with my leg.

"I'll see you later in Anatomy II lab." she says, kissing me goodbye at the door of my first class.

I grin. "I'll see you then. Hopefully we both get good partners." I tease.

Jennie and I already planned it out last semester that we'd pick the same lab section this year just so we could be partners again.

She smiles, playing along. "I hope so."

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