Chapter 31

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On Monday morning, my alarm clock goes off and I hit the snooze button at least seven times, missing my first class. After the homecoming game, and after Jennie was rudely whisked away due to rat boy's temper tantrum, I may have decided to celebrate our win just a little bit. Or a lot. All weekend long. And I may or may not have a mild hangover currently.

I'm almost tempted to skip my second class, but I think better of it. It's already halfway through the semester, and I'm not sure how many classes I can afford to skip anymore with finals slowly approaching. Half awake, I drag my ass out of bed and shuffle to the showers. After a quick shower, I get dressed and sling my backpack over my shoulder, heading to the nearest coffee shop on campus, in dire need of a caffeine fix to get myself going.

I walk into the tiny, sleek, modern shop filled with students, the strong scent of coffee wafting around in the air, tingling my senses. Standing in line, I scan the shop and find Rosé sitting near the windows, chatting with a petite blonde whose glasses are almost as big as hers. As if sensing my gaze, Rosé turns her head and we lock eyes. She gives me a smile and a wave, and I reciprocate the friendly gesture just before I'm up next to place my order.

After ordering my cold brew, I patiently stand off to the side and wait for the barista to call out my name. It only takes a few minutes for them to make my coffee and I'm out of the door, walking towards my class.


I look over my shoulder to see Rosé lightly jogging to catch up with me, her blonde hair bouncing with each step. I stop and wait for her.

"What's up, Rosé?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee.

She takes a moment to catch her breath, adjusting her glasses and emerald colour cardigan that she has paired with a white top and dark plaid pants. "I just wanted to apologise for the other night."

I furrow my brow, not quite understanding what she has to be sorry for.

"Taehyung." she says. "I realise that I'm the one who accidentally spilled the beans that Jennie and I were going to the homecoming game." she clarifies. "Originally, I was texting my cousin and I guess I wasn't paying too much attention. A text came through asking me what I was doing that night, and me thinking that I was still texting my cousin, texted back that I was going to the homecoming game. I didn't think anything of it, but then the next thing I know, it's an interrogation about who I was going with, what time, etcetera. Before I could even realise that it wasn't my cousin who I was texting anymore, it was too late." She cringes, looking guilty.

Ahh, that helps explain it.

"From there, Taehyung called me and I couldn't really lie at that point. He came over to my house just as Jennie was pulling into the driveway to pick me up and he tagged along. I'm so sorry." she apologises sincerely.

I shake my head, dismissively waving my hand with the coffee in it, the ice clanking against the side of the cup. "It's alright, Rosé. I'm sure he would have found some other way to crash, anyway." I admit bitterly.

Her lips purse ruefully and she nods. "Still. And I'm sorry I couldn't hold him back when you guys went to the truck. You two looked pretty... preoccupied when he came storming through." she says, her lips twitching up into a knowing grin.

I huff out a laugh, shoving a hand into the front pocket of my jeans. "Yeah, that guy has got great timing."

She lets out a laugh, expression sobering after. "You were going to kiss Jennie, huh?"

I take a sip of my coffee, trying to hide any emotions on my face. "Maybe..." I muse.

She grins, eyes twinkling. "I knew it."

"Did she say anything about it?" I ask, figuring that I may have a chance of getting some dirt on Jennie from her. She tries to smother her grin, but failing. "She's my best friend, you know I can't rat her out." she says, and I can't help but frown.

"But..." Rosé looks over both of her shoulders, making sure that no one is lingering or eavesdropping in on our conversation. "Let's just say she was pretty bummed to have to go home early." she says, keeping her voice down.

She flashes me a smile, purposefully bumping her shoulder with mine as she brushes past me, walking away. I spin on my heel and follow her, matching her strides.

"Really?" I ask, a huge grin involuntarily forming on my lips. I was hoping that there was a possibility Jennie wanted to kiss me back. If not, that would be awkward as fuck and I would have felt really bad.

"Mhmm." she hums, taking a sip of her iced caramel macchiato. "That was a smart move, you know? The bet. Although, next time, I'd really up the ante." She grins mischievously. "The jersey was cute, but you can do better, Manoban."

I match her grin. "Oh, I plan to."

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