Chapter 39

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I post up against the brick exterior of The Library, watching my breath mingle with the cold November air. Shoving my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket, I observe all the cars coming and going, anxiously waiting to spot Jennie's car pull into the parking lot. I check my watch. 7:54 p.m., I told her to be here around eight.

Six more minutes.

Knowing Jennie, she's probably going to arrive at eight on the dot, not wanting to spend any more time here than she has to or scared that she'd beat me here and have to sit in her car awkwardly waiting for me.

Originally, I insisted on picking her up from her house and driving here together, but she refused. She wanted to drive herself, and as much as I hate it, I have to give her props. She's a smart girl, I should have known she'd come up with a full proof escape plan in case things go south. Not that I plan for them to.

At 7:58 p.m. I finally spot her little white Jetta turn into the parking lot and finding the closest spot available. I jog up to her car, opening the door for her.

"Hey, Finch." I greet her, suddenly riddled with excitement and anticipation.

"Hey." She gives me a timid smile, pulling her keys out of the ignition. I can tell that she's nervous.

I extend my hand out to her and she takes it. Once I help her out of the car, I close the door for her and she locks it with the key fob, sliding her keys into the pocket of her white puffy coat. I let my eyes roam over her, my heart beat kicking up a notch. Her hair is thrown up in a high ponytail, slightly teased, and what I can see of her outfit so far, under her winter coat, is a black pair of jeans with a short pair of heeled boots. She also has on a light application of makeup, something I've never seen her wear before. She's mainly only wearing mascara and eyeliner, making her brown eyes pop. I'm so used to seeing her barefaced, usually dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. And even though she looks beautiful in simple, casual clothing, I have to admit, this is a nice change of pace. She looks phenomenal. I can't wait to see what's under the jacket.

I give her hand a reassuring squeeze, leading her towards the main entrance. "Ready?"

She looks at me nervously, giving me a stiff nod that says otherwise. When we get to the front door, the bouncer checks our ID cards before letting us into the dimly lit club. We walk in, the music thumping as strobe lights and lasers dance across the walls to the beat of the music.

"This way." I instruct her, yelling over the loud music. With her hand still in mine, I pull her through the crowd towards the back of the club, finding my teammates already occupying a large seating area.

"Manoban!" Bambam beams, spotting me first. Then the rest of the team bursts out in greeting.

"Hey, guys. This is Jennie." I introduce her, pulling her to my side.

She gives a shy smile and wave, and they warmly smile back at her in greeting.

Jackson pops up from his seat, beer in hand and cap placed backwards on his buzzed head. "Hey, Jennie." he greets her with a fond smile. She genuinely smiles back, probably relieved to see another familiar face. "Hey, how have you been?"

I remember Jackson mentioning that she used to be his physics lab partner last year. Trusting that he's not going to make any moves on her, I saunter a few feet over to Hoony and some of our other teammates to let the two catch up briefly, not wanting to breathe down her neck. But I stay close enough to make her feel secure.

"Holy shit!" Hoony hisses. "She actually came?"

I shrug, a triumphant smile on my face. Hoony shakes his head in disbelief. He may or may not have heard some of my nervous rambling about whether she was going to show or not. "I for sure thought she would bail on your ass."

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