Chapter 13

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I wake up around noon, skipping my Monday morning classes and even lunch to sleep in. The game on Saturday night was brutal, but we ended up pulling out a win for the first game of the season against one of our biggest rivals. Then the party afterwards and Sunday practice was even more brutal, my head throbbing as soon as I sit up in my bed to rub the sleep from my eyes.

After much procrastination and a heavy sigh, I force myself to get out of bed. Finding some aspirin sitting on the top of my desk, I down two pills with a bottle of water before grabbing my towel and shower caddy, dragging my ass down the hall to the showers.

I spend about ten minutes in the shower, half that time spent just standing under the hot spray of water to try to soothe my aching muscles. Once I'm out of the shower, I get ready and slip into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, shrugging on my backpack and heading towards the Language Arts building.

On my stroll over, I get a number of congratulations and pats on the back for my performance on Saturday night, leading our team to victory. I walk into the Language Arts building with my head held high and ego boosted, rounding the corner and immediately spotting Jennie sitting in her seat, writing in her planner. "Hey, Finch." I greet her, walking into the classroom and taking my seat next to her.

Her head perks up at the sound of my voice, her eyes finding mine. "Hey." she says, flashing me that smile of hers. "I heard you had a good weekend."

"Yeah." I chuckle, still riding my high, especially after she personally bid me congratulations. "Thanks, we really kicked ass. How was shopping with Rosé?"

Her face falls, a look of agony washing over her features. "Remember how I told you sometimes I think a root canal would be more fun? That was one of those times."

"Ouch. Sorry, Finch. You should have come to the game instead." I jab playfully.

Her lips turn up into a half smile, and she shoots me an apologetic look. "Maybe next time."

"I'm going to hold you to it."

Once Professor Choi dismisses class, I wait for Jennie to finish packing up her things and walk out of the classroom with her. As soon as we make it to the hallway, Jennie pulls her vibrating cell phone out of her pocket, checking the caller ID before answering.

"Hey, Rosé." she greets her friend. Even with the buzz of the hallway I can slightly pick up Rosé's frantic, apologetic voice coming from the other side of the line, making Jennie's brows knit together. I watch Jennie's shoulders deflate after some time, a small frown pulling at her lips as she listens to Rosé carry on. When we reach the front of the Language Arts building, I hold the door open for Jennie, letting her walk out first, and she mouths me a quick thank you.

"No, it's okay." Jennie says, trying to hide her wounded tone, prompting Rosé to spout out what sounds like more apologies. "Rosé, it's really no big deal. I can find another ride home or wait for my mom to get off of work." Rosé speaks and Jennie looks at her watch, slightly cringing. "She gets off at five."

"Rosé, really, I'm fine." Jennie giggles, trying to assure her friend by taking on a light, airy tone. "Go knock their socks off." A genuine smile touches her lips. "I'll see you tomorrow." With a few more words from Rosé, and a few more reassurances from Jennie, the two say their goodbyes and hang up. Jennie shoves her phone back into her pocket, letting out a small sigh.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah." Jennie waves her hand dismissively. "Rosé was just calling to tell me that she can't drive me home today. Apparently word just spread that the president of the debate club is stepping down, and the officers are having an impromptu meeting to select a new one. It's been Rosé's dream since we started college to get that position."

"So you don't have a ride home?" I ask. Over the past week, I've gathered that she rides home with Rosé, her house on the way to Rosé's apartment.

She shrugs. "My mom gets off at five. I can wait for her to come pick me up."

I frown. "That's three hours from now."

"I can just sit in the library. I've got some homework to do, anyway."

"Finch, it's the second week of classes. You don't have that much homework." I point out. "I'll drive you home."

Her eyes widen in surprise at my offer. "Lisa, you don't have to do that. Really, I have no problem waiting in the library."

"And I have no problem giving you a ride home." I state. "Coach cancelled practice for this afternoon to give us a break after this weekend so I have nothing better to do. Plus, maybe I could get that lab manual from you for Mr. Wilford's class."

"Oh shoot." she mumbles. "Sorry, I totally forgot about that. Yeah, I can give it to you." She worries her lip, looking hesitant. "Are you sure you want to drive me home? It's really no big deal."

"It would be my pleasure." I say, the feeling of excitement surprisingly bubbling up in my chest. "I just have to grab my keys and we can get going."

Jennie and I walk across campus to my dorm room, and I unlock the door, mentally cursing myself for not making my bed, the sheets strewn on haphazardly. Then there are a few items of clothing scattered on the floor, most of them Hoony's. Our room isn't a complete wreck, but it's not exactly tidy either.

Speaking of Hoony, he's lying on his bed shirtless, one hand behind his head while the other hand is holding the remote, pointing it at the television to flip through channels.

"Shit, sorry, it's a mess in here." I apologise to Jennie, suddenly feeling a rush of embarrassment at having her see my room and idiotic roommate like this.

She gives me a soft smile, waving her hand dismissively. "It's not that bad."

"Uh... hi..." Hoony says, sitting up in his bed, his brows nearly to his hairline. Hoony knows that I never bring girls to our room. Not even to hang out.

"Hoony, this is Jennie. And Jennie, this is my roommate, Hoony," I say, giving them a rushed introduction as I stride over to my desk, picking up one of Hoony's shirts from the floor along the way and quickly tossing it at him. It hits him in the chest and lands in his lap. Hoony just stares at Jennie in confusion as she stands in the doorway, waiting for me.

"Hi." she gives him an awkward wave, probably wondering why he's staring at her like she has two heads.

"Dude..." I hiss lowly, wishing he'd stop staring at her as I throw my backpack in my desk chair. Hoony snaps his head in my direction, giving me a what the fuck look.

"Can I borrow the truck?" I ask, already reaching for the keys on top of his desk. On many occasions, Hoony has let me borrow his truck if I need it, since the only vehicle I have is a motorcycle that I let him borrow in exchange on occasion. Sometimes I think we actually end up swapping vehicles more than chicks swap clothes.

"Uh sure..." he says slowly, still beyond confused.

"I'm giving Jennie a ride home." I explain. I know there's probably no way in hell she would let me drive her home on the motorcycle.

"I hope that's okay." Jennie's soft voice asks, uncertain, looking at Hoony.

Hoony shakes his head, seemingly clearing his mind and sobering up. "Yeah. Yeah that's fine, uh... it was nice meeting you." he says as I snatch the keys from his desk and usher Jennie out of our room.

"You too. Thank you." she calls out over her shoulder as I close the door behind us.

"Sorry about him." I apologise, mentally shaking my head at Hoony for making that so damn awkward. Sure I may never let girls into our room on my account, but it wasn't like I had Jennie draped over my shoulder, ready to throw her onto my bed and toss her around in my sheets, which is something that Hoony does a lot to his hook-ups.

While I may have my own rules about not bringing girls back to our room, those rules don't apply for Hoony. He lets girls come and go as he pleases, not finding that concept as messy as I do.

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