Chapter 44

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She unfolds the blanket, trying to cover as much of Rosé and I as she can with it. Instinctively, I throw my arm around the back of the couch, around her shoulders, to pull her closer to me for body heat. She lays her head on my shoulder and I reach down to grab her legs, swinging them up and over to lay them across my lap so she can be more comfortable, and more importantly, to try to provide her some more of my body heat. Her body stiffens. "Are you sure about this?" she asks, almost nervous.

"Positive." I assure her, loving the feel of her body on mine. Eventually, she relaxes, snuggling into my side as I soothingly run my hand up and down her leg.

"I know you're pissed at me..." Rosé says, "... but can I get in on this cuddle session? I could really use the body heat."

Jennie sleepily mumbles out an approval and Rosé curls up into a ball and plasters herself to Jennie's back, trying to soak up as much heat as she can while simultaneously using her as a pillow.

"You need more meat on your bones. Even with your puffy coat on I can feel your spine jutting into my cheek." Rosé playfully gripes, adjusting herself every few seconds to try to get comfortable.

After a few minutes, everyone is settled down and I'm pretty sure that I hear Rosé faintly snoring. Jennie has her cheek pressed up against my chest, her eyes closed, but I don't think she's actually asleep yet.

I look up to glance at rat boy whose face is slightly illuminated by the lone flashlight that's resting on Mrs. Lee's desk, so it's not pitch black in here. I catch him glaring at me in the dark, like some sort of demon. Normally, I'm not one that scares easily after watching a scary movie, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't give me the creeps. If it wasn't for the girls, especially Jennie laying comfortably against me, I'd get up and drag him to the nearest supply closet, locking him in there.

For a good remainder of the night, I stay awake just to make sure he doesn't try to kill me in my sleep. Once I'm sure that he's asleep, I give myself permission to close my eyes.

I feel Jennie shift, causing me to stir awake. I blink a few times, momentarily confused as I try to regain consciousness. I let my eyes adjust to the bright light pouring in from the small window and harshly reflecting off the white walls. When I'm pretty sure I have my sight back, I glance down to see a pair of honey coloured eyes staring back at me, the light hitting them perfectly.

"Hi." I rasp out, running my free hand that's not wrapped around her back and trapped by Rosé's body through her hair, pushing some of it out of her face.

"Hi." she whispers back, fighting back a small yawn.

"What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hand. I stretch a little and a sharp pain shoots up my spine, causing me to flinch.

She looks up at me with worry. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just stiff." I admit. While Mrs. Lee's couch isn't bad, sitting up all night isn't the most comfortable situation. I've slept in worst ways when I was just a child, though.

Jennie moves to get off me, but I hold her securely, not wanting to lose the feeling of her quite yet. She gets the hint and rest back against me, checking her watch. "It's almost 8:30." she says, her eyes drifting towards the window. "I wonder if the sun melted anything yet."

Rosé lets out a groan, stirring. "Shhh."

"Rosé, it's morning." Jennie says.

All Rosé does is let out a grunt. Jennie blows out a breath, resting her head back on my shoulder. After a few moments, I feel her body stiffen and she lifts her head, looking alert.

"What is it, Finch?"

"Shhh." Her brow creases in concentration. "Do you hear that?"

I strain my ears and manage to hear the low hum of the heater and electricity.

"The power's back on?" I ask.

"I think so. Rosé, wake up, the power's back on." she says, elbowing her. Rosé mumbles under her breath, managing to sit up, rubbing her eyes. I take the opportunity to move my numb arm that's been trapped between the two for most of the night, shaking it out.

"Huh?" Rosé asks groggily.

"I think the power's back on."

Rosé seems to wake up more. "Really?"

"Let's go find out." Jennie says, throwing the blanket off of us. She folds it back up neatly and puts it back in the drawer. When the drawer snaps closed rat boy stirs. "What's going on?"

"Power's back on," Rosé says, standing.

Rat boy shoots up from the chair, nearly falling over. "Seriously? Let's get out of here." He and Rosé are the first ones out the door, and Jennie waits up for me as I slowly stand from the couch like a ninety year old person, my back and neck killing me.

"Let's get out of here, Finch." I say, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the front of the building. Only a few people still linger inside, most of them sleeping.

"How do the roads look?" Jennie asks Rosé as we meet her at the front doors.

"Roads seem to be fine." she says, her face bright. "We just need to take it slow for any lingering patches of ice."

Jennie lets out a relieved breath. "Good. You should be able to make it home today, then."

"That's the plan. Now let's go home!" Rosé says cheerfully, dragging Jennie outside to the parking lot. I walk out with them to Rosé's car, still holding Jennie's hand to make sure that she doesn't slip on any lingering ice. Rat boy unfortunately follows, his car parked close to Rosé's. I open Rosé's passenger side door for Jennie.

"Thank you." she says, her tired eyes lingering on mine.

"Go home and get some rest, Finch." I tell her softly as she slips into the car.

"You, too. I'll see you later." she whispers, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Text me when you make it home safely." I instruct before shutting her door. I watch them safely pull out of the parking lot and onto the main road before trucking it back to my dorm room where I flop down on my bed to try to get some decent sleep. I only fall asleep after I get Jennie's text message saying that she made it home safe, and I make sure to set an alarm to get up and get ready to go spend Thanksgiving at her house on time.

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