Chapter 75

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Lisa gently swings our laced hands back and forth as we leisurely stroll around campus, with a warm and happy, contented feeling settled deep in my chest. I move closer to her, placing my other hand on her bare forearm, the sleeves of her white dress shirt, paired with navy dress pants, rolled up to her elbows, and gently resting my head on her shoulder, unable to wipe the smile off my face.

After the Match Ceremony, both of my parents and Miss Cora had to head back to work. Lisa should really be getting back to work as well, but she made us stop for lunch and is taking us the long way back to the athletic department where her office is.

I can tell that she's stalling, but I can't really bring myself to care in my state of indescribable happiness and bliss. I want to soak in this moment with her, and it's not like the university is really going to fire her for taking a little bit more of the day off. Coach wouldn't dare let that happen since he loves Lisa like his own child.

Lisa dips her head to place a kiss to the top of my head. "I'm going to miss seeing you around campus." she says, with her voice soft and a bit sad.

I purse my lips into a small frown. "I haven't really been on campus much these past two years with rotations, anyway. Plus, don't you get enough of me at home? I'd think you'd be sick of me by now." I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

She chuckles lightly. "Never." she declares. "But still, it's going to be weird that you don't have to come to campus anymore. Hell, it feels just like yesterday that we graduated and now you're off to Hanner."

I nod in agreement, time seems to have gone by so fast looking back on it now. "I'm just glad that it's Hanner instead of somewhere across the country. Then you really wouldn't see me on campus."

She stops walking, making me jerk to a stop as well. Her hand reaches out to grab me by the waist, stabilising me as my body swings around, softly crashing into her hard chest from the sudden halt. Firm but gentle and sincere grey eyes look down at me.

"You know I would have followed you wherever you ended up." she says softly, her thumb on my waist stroking back and forth.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "I know." I do know. "But I guess even the thirty minute commute will have to suffice in making the heart grow fonder. Just think, now that I won't have to be on campus anymore, maybe it'll make you yearn for me more." I tease, smirking.

Her eyes darken and deepen. She takes a half a step forward until we're toe-to-toe, with our bodies pressed together, her other hand landing on my waist as my hands instinctively land on her chest. "I yearn for you all the time, baby." her says, voice low, making my stomach flutter.

Lisa dips her head, her lips gently grazing mine once and twice. She pulls back, hovering just centimetres away, teasing, before her right hand slides up the side of my neck. She uses her thumb on my jaw to angle my face just the way she wants it before swooping back in and pressing her lips to mine, much firmer this time, while deepening the kiss.

I loop my arms around her neck, allowing myself to fall all in for a moment, intoxicated by the feel of how soft her lips are and how her tongue brush against my own. Eventually I resurface, breaking away from the kiss, realising that we're in public, and me being all dizzy and smiling.

Lisa smiles back at me, catching her breath a moment before swooping back in for a quick peck and threading her fingers through mine once again.

We continue to stroll across campus, laughing and reminiscing on our last five years together. When we approach the science building, I'm surprised that Lisa jerks us towards the front doors.

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